七、改善车间现场的维修 无论设备是为何种用途设计和制造的,维修人员的责任都是保证它在尽可能良好的状态下运转。在发展中国家,不同工厂的维修总体情况可能相互差异很大,但也有一些共同的特征。 1.关于总的清洁问题,情形在各厂不同,有的设备虽很旧却十分干净,有的比较现代化但又相对地脏乱。 在任何条件下,首要的是做好日常清洁。例如,可采用日本的“5S”:
Improving on-site workshop maintenance No matter what the equipment is designed for and manufactured for, the responsibility of the maintenance staff is to ensure that it operates in the best possible condition. In developing countries, the overall maintenance of different factories may be very different from each other, but there are also some common features. 1. Regarding the total cleaning problem, the situation is different in each factory. Some of the equipment are very old but very clean, and some are relatively modern but relatively dirty. Under any condition, the first step is to do daily cleaning. For example, Japan’s “5S” can be used: