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方旋的辞职和提前5个月退休,或许透露出一个信号:党的干部队伍中不允许裸官的存在。要想裸,就别当官。严管裸官,在实践层面开始风生水起。消息称,佛山市委书记李贻伟接替方旋出任广州市委副书记,方旋此前因裸官原因辞去广州市委副书记一职,提前5个月退休。目前全国各地均在调整裸官职位,方旋正是在这一大背景下,被组织要求提前退休的。方旋很可能是公开报道的第一个因裸官身份而被“劝退”的官员。这意味着,中央关于严管裸官的政令,开始发挥出制度威力。 Fang’s resignation and retirement five months in advance may reveal a signal that naked cadres are not allowed to exist in the ranks of the party’s cadres. Do not be an officer if you want to be naked. Strict control of naked officials, in the practice level began to flourish. According to the sources, Li Yiwei, party secretary of Foshan, succeeded Fangsuan as deputy secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee. Fang Xuan had resigned from the post of deputy secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee for reasons of nude officials and retired five months in advance. At present, all over the country are adjusting naked positions, Fang Xuan is precisely in this context, was organized to require early retirement. It may well be the first publicly reported officer who has been “dismissed” because of his bare official status. This means that the central government’s decrees to strictly control bare officials began to exert its power.
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5月9日上午,高悬着国徽的浙西衢县法院经济审判庭内,灯光明亮.一起因萝卜丝购销合同纠纷案,正在此开庭审理.原告衡州市蔬菜公司诉称:1992年12月24日 On the morning of May
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楔子1995年8月24日5时,武乡县寨坪村委司机张天福准备出车,可车库的门锁却怎么也打不开,仔细一看,锁已被人换过,一种不祥 Wedge At 0:00 on August 24, 1995, Zhaoping Pin