
来源 :陕西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cpingpeng
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一九六三年,全省人民在党中央和毛主席的英明领导下,在党的社会主义建设总路线、大跃进、人民公社三面红旗的光辉照耀下,贯彻执行了党和政府的各项方针政策,取得了各个方面的伟大成就,整个国民经济出现了开始全面好转的新局面。形势越来越好。我们要更加紧密地团结起来,奋发图强,勤俭建国,努力增产,厉行节约,保证完成和超额完成国家计划,争取国民经济的进一步全面好转。为了实现我们的任务,全省社会主义建设先进集体和先进生产者代表会议,向农业、工业、交通、财贸、科学、文教战线的同志们,向国家机关的工作人员和民兵同志们,提出如下倡议:农业战线的同志们,要继续贯彻执行党中央关于农村工作的一系列方针政策,切实改进人民公社的经营管理,努力办好生产队,进一步巩固人民公社集体经济,全面发展农业生产。首先增产粮食;在增产粮食的同时,开展农业的多种经营,特别是要用更大努力来加快棉花和油料等经济作物的发展。当前,要抓紧时机,切实做好秋收、秋播和 In 1963, under the wise leadership of the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, the people of the province carried out various policies of the party and the government under the brilliant shine of the party’s general line of socialist construction, the Great Leap Forward and the triumphant red flags of the people’s communes Policy and made great achievements in all aspects. The entire national economy has seen a new situation beginning to be fully improved. The situation is getting better. We should unite even closer, work hard and thrive, build our country through diligence and thrift, strive to increase production, exercise strict economy, ensure completion of the plan and surpass the national plan, and strive for further all-round improvement of the national economy. In order to fulfill our task, the meeting of representatives of advanced collectives and advanced producers in the province’s socialist construction proposed to the comrades in the fields of agriculture, industry, transportation, finance and trade, science and culture and education and comrades of state organs and militiamen the following Proposal: Comrades in the agricultural front should continue to implement the party Central Committee’s guidelines and policies on rural work, effectively improve the management of the people’s commune, strive to run a production team, further consolidate the collective economy of people’s communes and fully develop agricultural production. First increase grain production. While increasing grain production, we should carry out diversified management of agriculture. In particular, we must make greater efforts to speed up the development of cash crops such as cotton and oil crops. At present, we must seize the opportunity to earnestly improve autumn harvest and autumn broadcast
本所第四届创新论坛——“多层次资本市场与自主创新战略”主题征文活动举办以来,得到各部门的积极支持和广泛参与。经评审小组审定,评奖结果如下: The fourth session of t