
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hewanjiang1975
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目的:了解浙西地区民营企业高层管理人员(简称民企高管)不健康行为,为制定有效防治措施提供依据。方法:采用症状自评量表、自行设计的不健康行为调查表对民企高管、其他人群作问卷调查;将两组调查结果进行两组比较。结果:本次调查320人,民企高管吸烟率43.12%、饮酒率35%、高脂肪饮食率38.13%、进食无规律率40.94%、睡眠不足率40.94%、运动少率31.88%、工作强度大率56.86%、工作压力大率65.94%,发生率比其他体检人群多;高脂血症患病率50.00%、脂肪肝患病率55.63%、胃溃疡患病率17.50%、高血压病患病率28.75%、糖尿病患病率20%、冠心病患病率11.88%、痛风患病率23.75%,患病率比其他体检人群高;SCL-90评分,躯体化、抑郁、强迫、焦虑、偏执得分高,男性主要表现为抑郁,女性为偏执、强迫;经比差异有统计学意义。结论:民企高管存在不健康行为者较多,常见病患病率高,应该对该群体实施有针对性的健康教育,开展不同形式的行为干预,减少危险因素存在,控制疾病发生和发展。 Objective: To understand the unhealthy behavior of top management of private-owned enterprises in western Zhejiang (referred to as senior executives of private-owned enterprises), and provide evidence for effective prevention and control measures. Methods: Questionnaire of self-rating scale, self-designed questionnaire of unhealthy behaviors were used to make questionnaire survey among executives and other groups of private-owned enterprises; the results of two groups were compared between the two groups. Results: The survey of 320 people, smoking executives smoking rate of 43.12%, 35% drinking rate, high fat diet rate of 38.13%, eating irregular rate of 40.94%, sleep deficit rate of 40.94%, exercise less rate of 31.88%, work intensity Rate of 56.86%, working pressure rate of 65.94%, the incidence of more than other medical examination population; prevalence of hyperlipidemia 50.00%, fatty liver prevalence 55.63%, prevalence of gastric ulcer 17.50%, hypertension The prevalence of diabetes was 28.75%, the prevalence of diabetes was 20%, the prevalence of coronary heart disease was 11.88%, the prevalence of gout was 23.75%, and the prevalence was higher than that of other medical examinations. SCL-90 score, somatization, depression, compulsion, anxiety and paranoia High scores, men mainly for depression, women paranoid, forced; than the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: There are more unhealthy executives and the prevalence rate of common diseases in senior management of private enterprises. Targeted health education should be implemented in this group. Different forms of behavioral intervention should be carried out to reduce the risk factors and control the occurrence and development of the disease.
中国机械工程学会流体工程学会第四届理事会会议于 2 0 0 1年 6月 11日至 14日在安徽省黄山市举行。本次理事会是一次换届会议 ,经中国机械工程学会批准 ,成立了由 76名理事