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风闻自己被查的消息后,将收受的贿赂款上缴,以规避法律的制裁。但人称“土地爷”的四川省阆中市政府调研员(副处级)、移民办主任陈明超成多次故伎重演后,还是败在了检察官的剑下。2007年11月,阆中市法院以受贿罪判处有期徒刑10年6个月。陈明超心存侥幸,以事实不清的理由提起上诉。2008年4月18日,四川省南充市中级法院二审宣判:认为一审法院事实认定清楚,适用法律适当,维持原判。 After hearing of the news that he was being investigated, he turned over bribe payments to evade legal sanctions. However, as the “land of God,” Sichuan Langzhong City Hall researcher (Deputy Director-level), director of the immigration office, Chen Mingchao repeatedly repeated the old tricks, or defeated in the prosecutor’s sword. November 2007, Langzhong City Court sentenced to accepting bribes for 10 years and 6 months. Chen Mingqiu luck, with an unclear reason to appeal. April 18, 2008, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province Intermediate People’s Court verdict: believe that the court of first instance clearly identified the facts, the applicable law is appropriate to maintain the original verdict.
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Q 我丈夫近半年来用手机拨打和接听电话时神秘兮兮的,有时还故意避开我。前不久,我调取了丈夫的手机通话清单,发现他与我熟悉的一女子频繁通话,平均每天达20次以上,甚至半夜
春节前,朋友买了一款近期国内大热的自主品牌SUV,一时兴起,决定带着全家五口利用假期来次长途自驾游,各方咨询后,把目的地选到了海南。他居住在合肥,往返4000公里,和老婆两个人倒着开没啥问题。  朋友是个细心人,做了N次功课。根据网上查到的资料,高速公路广东段服务区密集,连麦当劳、肯德基都有,所以不用带太多吃的,而牵引绳、充气泵、电瓶线等维修的应急工具则是必备之物。  大年初一一早,借着国家高速公
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