
来源 :中国儿童保健杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haojianhong
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【目的】 探索儿童单纯肥胖症的群体干预方法 ,降低学龄儿童肥胖发病率。 【方法】 从北京市城区选择 5所小学作为研究现场 ,该小学所有学生均为研究对象 ,其中 2所学校为干预组 (15 97人 ) ,3所学校为对照组 (2 118人 )。采用WHO身高标准体重值为肥胖判断标准。对干预组进行为期 3年的群体干预 ,干预措施包括健康教育、增加运动和饮食调整 ,重点为调整晚餐进食顺序、增加蔬菜水果的摄入量、减少静坐时间、增加运动等。干预对象为超重儿童及其家长、肥胖儿童及其家长、非肥胖儿童家长。对照组除与干预组同期体检外不接受任何干预措施。 【结果】 经过3年干预 ,干预组肥胖发病率从 16.9%降至 12 .1% (P <0 .0 1) ,对照组肥胖发病率从 17.4%上升为 2 3 .2 % (P <0 .0 1)。干预后两组肥胖发病率差别极显著。对干预组 75 7名 1~ 3年级儿童进行追踪观察 ,3年后原非肥胖儿童中 3 .6%成为肥胖儿童 ,原肥胖儿童中 5 9.1%仍维持肥胖状态。对照组 10 3 1名 1~ 3年级儿童中 ,有 11.9%的原非肥胖儿童三年后为肥胖儿童 ,原肥胖儿童中 92 .2 %仍维持肥胖状态。干预组非肥胖儿童成为肥胖的危险性明显小于对照组 ,对照组肥胖儿童维持肥胖的可能性明显大于干预组。 【结论】 在学校进行以健康教育为主的肥胖群体 【Objective】 To explore a population intervention method for childhood obesity to reduce the incidence of obesity in school-age children. 【Method】 Five primary schools were selected as study sites in urban area of ​​Beijing. All the students in the primary school were studied. Among them, two schools were intervention group (15 97) and three schools were control group (2 118). The use of WHO standard height weight value for obesity to determine the standard. The intervention group for a three-year group intervention, interventions, including health education, exercise and diet adjustments, focusing on the dinner order to adjust, increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, reduce sit-in time, increase exercise and so on. Interventions were overweight children and their parents, obese children and their parents, and parents of non-obese children. The control group did not receive any intervention except for the same period as the intervention group. 【Results】 The incidence of obesity in the intervention group decreased from 16.9% to 12.1% (P <0.01) after 3 years of intervention, while the incidence of obesity in the control group increased from 17.4% to 23.2% (P0.01) .0 1). The difference in the incidence of obesity between the two groups after the intervention was very significant. A total of 757 children aged 1-3 were enrolled in the intervention group. After 3 years, 3. 6% of the original non-obese children became obese children, and 51.9% of the original obese children remained obese. In the control group, 11.9% of the children aged 1-3 years old were obese children after three years and 92.2% of the original obese children remained obese. The risk of obesity in non-obese children in the intervention group was significantly less than that in the control group, and the obese children in the control group were more likely to maintain obesity than the intervention group. 【Conclusion】 Obese groups with health education as the mainstay in the school
凝结芽孢菌(Bacillus coagulans,BC)是乳酸菌类的一种益生菌,对动物的肠道保健有重要作用。本实验通过由广东温氏食品集团有限公司提供的鸡大肠中分离得到一株凝结芽孢菌株,