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我们幼儿园自1998年开始,进行“幼儿听读游戏识字”实验。我们教幼儿认读汉字的做法是:一、保证课时,随机引导我们以兴趣学习为主,每周安排两次识字活动。每班有一名老师负责识字教学。在识字教学中,除了在课堂上以游戏活动形式学习以外,我们要求在日常生活中做好随机教育。如:吃饭、上厕所、洗手、上课等环节,让孩子认识相应的汉字;在活动室墙上的图画上贴上相应的汉字,教幼儿认读;在带领孩子参观商店、工厂的过程中引导他们认读有关的汉字。久而久之,幼儿脱离图画和实物,也能脱口读出。二、突出色彩,图文并茂,吸引幼儿,激发好奇心我们抓住幼儿对色彩鲜艳、形象生动、会发声的东西特别感兴趣的特点,将五颜六色的图画与汉字相结合,用图画导入法让幼儿先对图画感兴趣。幼儿坚持性差,一会儿兴趣就会转移。这时,我们又会及时为他们请出“穿黑衣服的字宝宝”。启发引导他们与“黑衣宝宝”交朋友,用抱抱、亲亲等方法,增进与“黑衣宝宝”的感情。如:在认识“鸭子”时,先请出玩具小鸭,让孩子与之交朋友,模仿小鸭走路。当孩子兴趣正高时,再引出“黑衣宝宝”——“小鸭”。认幼儿亲亲、抱抱“小鸭”。尝试与之交朋友。生动又形象的字宝宝, Our kindergarten since 1998, for “children listen to the game literacy” experiment. We teach children to read Chinese characters practice is: First, to ensure that lessons, randomly guide us to learn based on interest, arranged twice a week literacy activities. One class teacher in each class is responsible for literacy teaching. In literacy teaching, in addition to learning in the classroom as a game activity, we ask for random education in our daily lives. Such as: eating, toilet, hand-washing, class and other links, so that children know the corresponding Chinese characters; in the activity room on the wall of the picture paste the corresponding Chinese characters, teach children to read; guide children in the process of visiting shops, factories They read the Chinese characters. Over time, children from pictures and objects, but also blurted out. Second, highlight the color, illustrated, to attract young children, to stimulate curiosity. We grasp the children of colorful, vivid, will sound something of special interest, the combination of colorful pictures and characters, Interested in drawing. Children insist on poor, interest will be transferred later. At this moment, we will promptly ask them again for “the word baby in black clothes”. Inspired to guide them to make friends with the “black baby”, with hug, kiss and other methods to promote and “black baby” feelings. Such as: In the understanding of “duck”, first please out of toy ducklings, let the children make friends with them to imitate ducklings walk. When the child’s interest is high, leads to “black baby” - “duckling.” Identify young children kiss, hug “duckling.” Try to make friends with them. Vivid and image of the word baby,
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