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文学作品的主题虽然多种多样,但有一些却是亘古不变,常写常新,如生与死、爱与恨等。孤独作为一种人类体验,也是一个常见的文学主题。我国唐代大诗人李白的千古名句“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”传神地描绘出诗人静夜独处,形单影只时的那份孤寂和无聊的意境,千百年来,不知在多少人的心灵中引起共鸣。同样,欧美文学中也不乏表现孤独的优秀作品。尤其自历史的车轮驶进现代社会以来,描写孤独的作品更是层出不穷。德国作家卡夫卡的《变形记》集中描写了 Although the themes of literary works are varied, some of them are never the same, often writing new ones, such as life and death, love and hate. Loneliness as a human experience is also a common literary theme. The famous poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty in China, “The Toasting Invitation to the Moon, and the Yingcheng Trio” portrays the poet as a quiet night alone, forming a loneliness and boring artistic conception. For thousands of years, I don’t know how many people’s Resonates in the mind. Similarly, there is no lack of outstanding works in Europe and the United States that show loneliness. Especially since the wheel of history has entered the modern society, works depicting loneliness have emerged in endlessly. German Writer Kafka’s “Metamorphosis” focuses on description
怎样当一个合格的“军事常委”,既抓好武装工作,又参与好地方中心工作?根据平时的思考和时下的实际情况,我认为必须做好以下几点: 第一,找准位置。“军事常委”是双重职务,
that 这个关系词在定语从句中的用法很多。它既可以用作关系代词又可以用作关系副词。这里就 that 的用法作些说明。我们首先来看一看 that 用作关系代词的用法。that 用作
本文通过中小型水利工程招标投标工作的实践,简要分析了影响投标中标率的各主要因素,以提高投标的中标率。 In this paper, through the practice of bidding and tendering
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我为美而死,刚刚被安置到坟墓中。这时,一位真理的献身者躺进了毗邻的庐冢。他柔声问我为何会谢世。 I died for beauty and I was just placed in a tomb. At this time,