明明白白当常委 扎扎实实尽职责

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怎样当一个合格的“军事常委”,既抓好武装工作,又参与好地方中心工作?根据平时的思考和时下的实际情况,我认为必须做好以下几点: 第一,找准位置。“军事常委”是双重职务,有双重责任。从“军事常委”所处的位置看,必须注意做到三点:一是明上情知下情。这是履行职责,为地方党委决策重大事情出谋划策的基本要求。必须加强学习,对上级有关人武部建设和民兵、预备役工作方面的指示规定、总体要求和某个阶段的工作重点要有全面的理解和把握,找到充分合理的根据,防止提出的意见、建议违背上级精神和政策规定。二是当好参谋不越位。既要积极为地方党委多参善谋,又要注意站在全局角度考虑问题;既要按照职权积极大胆抓 How to be a qualified “military standing committee” should not only do a good job in armed work but also take part in the work of the local center? According to the usual thinking and the current situation at present, I think we must make the following efforts: First, identify the location. “Military Standing Committee” is a double duty, with dual responsibilities. From the position of the “Military Standing Committee”, we must pay attention to the following three points: First, we should know what is going on in the future. This is the basic requirement for performing their duties and making plans for major issues in the decision making by local Party committees. We must step up study and provide comprehensive understanding and grasp of the instructions and requirements on the construction of militia and militia and reservists at higher levels, the general requirements and the priorities of work at some stage, find a sufficiently reasonable basis for preventing opinions from being put forward, Superior spirit and policy. Second, when a good staff does not offside. It is necessary to actively participate in the work of local party committees for many more visits, but also pay attention to considering issues from a global perspective; it is necessary to actively and boldly grasping
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翻译,源远流长。 我国最早的译事可上溯至西周之前。《礼记·王制》篇里载有:“中国,夷、蛮、戎、狄……五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西
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因果关系是科技英语中一种重要的逻辑语义现象,正如Louis Trimble在English for Science and Technology一书中所说:“花点额外的时间研究因果关系常常是值得的,原因很简单: