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7月18日,省教育厅召开党的群众路线教育实践活动工作会,学习贯彻中央和省委教育实践活动工作会议精神,研究部署省教育厅深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动有关工作,省委常委、省委宣传部部长喻红秋出席会议并做重要讲话,省委党的群众路线教育实践活动第10督导组组长宋强出席会议并提出督导工作要求,会议由教育厅党组副书记、副厅长李小建主持。厅领导班子成员与各处室主要负责人参会。记者获悉,省教育厅作为我省 On July 18, the Provincial Department of Education convened the working conference on the Party’s mass line education practice activities, studied and implemented the spirit of the working conference held by the Central Government and the Provincial Party Committee on Education Practice, and studied the deployment and implementation of the Provincial Department of Education’s in-depth education campaign on the party’s mass line. Yu Hongqiu, member of the Standing Committee and Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, attended the meeting and made an important speech. Song Qiang, leader of the 10th steering group for the mass line education practice activities of the provincial party committee, attended the meeting and put forward the requirements for supervision and guidance. The meeting was held by the deputy party secretary and vice president of the Education Department Director Li Xiajian presided over. Hall leadership team members and various departments of the main person in attendance. Reporter was informed that the Provincial Department of Education as our province
目的:  1. 回顾性研究中国河北地区542例确诊为真菌性角膜炎(Fugnal Keratitis,FK)患者的病因学及病原学,旨在对该地区真菌性角膜炎的早期诊断、治疗及预防提供依据。  2. 对
据《福建日报》报道,有人向群众路线教育实践活动督导组汇报成果,说本单位有一领导10年来找部下谈心多达3268次。督导组的人反问道:“这个数字是怎么统计出来的?”汇报者一脸尴尬,半天说不清楚。  有好事者粗略一算,一年52周,104天左右公休,10天法定节日,工作日总共252天左右,大致算下来,10年里工作日每天谈一次心都不够,大概得分单双日才行,单日谈一个,双日常常得谈两个。这可真是位勤勉自励、每
目的 心肌细胞丢失、瘢痕形成及心室重构是造成心脏功能恶化的主要因素,也是最终导致慢性充血性心力衰竭的主要病理基础。细胞移植治疗是治疗心脏疾病的一种新策略。骨髓间充
为国家选人才,可这些“人才”全是从亲戚朋友圈子里提拔出来的。你要是问:这个圈子以外就没有一个“人才”吗?他可以回答你:“那我全不认识呀!” Talented people for the c
目的:  探讨术中唤醒联合导航技术在脑功能区病变手术中的应用价值及意义。  方法:  对10例脑功能区病变患者术前行常规及功能核磁共振(BOLD-MRI、DTI),根据导航系统确定病