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玻璃体疝是白内障囊内摘除术后的并发症之一。轻度的玻璃体疝,在无瞳孔阻滞的情况下,无需治疗。重度的玻璃体疝,若引起瞳孔阻滞,将继发青光眼,且由于玻璃体前界膜与角膜内皮接触,日久将使角膜全层营养障碍,上皮发生水肿,甚至发生水泡性角膜炎,而遗留永久性的角膜混浊,影响视力。所以重度玻璃体疝必须及时治疗。现将我科近期应用手术方法治疗的一例重度玻璃体疝报告如下。 1 临床资料患者男,51岁。10年前左眼曾被石块击伤,以后无任何不适感。1年前开始左眼视物模糊,1天前突然左眼胀痛,视物不清.查:右眼视力0.6.左眼视力指数/30cm,左眼结膜混合性充血,角膜轻度水 Vitreous hernia is one of the complications after cataract extraction. Mild vitreous hernia, without pupil block, without treatment. Severe vitreous hernia, if caused by pupillary block, will be secondary to glaucoma, and as the anterior vitreous membrane and corneal endothelium contact, over time will make full corneal dystrophy, epithelial edema, and even vesicular keratitis, and left Permanent corneal opacity, affecting vision. Therefore, severe vitreous hernia must be treated promptly. Now my department recently applied surgical treatment of a case of severe vitreous hernia reported below. 1 Clinical data Patient male, 51 years old. 10 years ago, the left eye was hit by stones, after no discomfort. A year ago began to blurred vision of the left eye, a sudden left eye pain suddenly 1 day ago, depending on the material is not clear.Check: Right eye vision 0.6. Left eye visual acuity index / 30cm, left conjunctival hyperemia, mild corneal water
为了进一步开展对青少年近视的防治,1988年12月我们对本校81、82、83级411名学生入校体检视力和毕业体检视力进行了对照检查并分析如下。 1 方法 采用国际标准视力表,均为裸
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【正】 China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(Sinopec Corp., HK: 386; NYSE: SNP; LSE:SNP; SH: 600028) announces its interim re-sults for year ended June 30th, 2
20世纪 90年代以来 ,集成了微处理器的呼吸机越来越普及。近几年来 ,国外发展起来一门新兴边缘学科———机械通气监护学 ,专门研究呼吸机治疗时的图形 ,以指导呼吸机参数的
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目的明确GATA4在小鼠胚胎心脏发育过程中的时序表达,并阐明其组蛋白修饰调控机制。方法选取胎龄11.5 d(E11.5)至新生0.5 d胎鼠心脏,RT-PCR检测胎鼠心肌细胞中GATA4mRNA表达水
The fascinating history of synthetic rubberstarted with an idea patented 100 years ago -and is far from over yet. In 1909, the chemistFritz Hofmann succeeded i