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IPO溢价率过高问题在中国股票市场上较为突出,我们认为,企业盈余管理和投资者情绪是影响IPO溢价的重要因素。作为战略性新兴产业代表的信息技术行业,为了满足上市条件,公司管理层存在盈余管理的动机,股票也因为具有概念题材受到市场上投资者的追捧,此外,该行业的公司在规模、成立年限、发展速度和发展特点等方面呈现出与传统行业中的企业明显不同的特点,具有研究的意义与价值。基于此,我们以信息技术行业158家公司为样本,运用扩展的Jones模型测算了样本公司的盈余管理,并运用主成分分析法构建了投资者情绪指标,最后运用OLS模型对企业盈余管理和投资者情绪这两个因素对该行业上市公司IPO溢价的影响进行了实证检验。实证结果表明,投资者情绪和IPO溢价存在显著的正相关关系,表明投资者情绪高涨对IPO溢价有重要影响。企业盈余管理在回归中不显著,不会系统地影响信息技术行业的IPO溢价现象,表明企业盈余管理可能在更大程度上影响的是一级市场的IPO抑价而非二级市场的IPO溢价;此外,样本个数、样本的时间区间以及行业特征等因素也会对实证结果产生影响。据此,我们认为,现阶段应对IPO溢价率过高问题,可以从加强信息披露、培育理性的投资者和推动IPO上市发行制度改革等方面着手。 IPO premium rate is too high in the Chinese stock market is more prominent, we believe that corporate earnings management and investor sentiment is an important factor affecting the IPO premium. In order to meet the listing conditions, the IT industry, as a representative of the strategic emerging industries, has the motivation of earnings management. The stocks are also sought after by investors in the market because of the conceptual themes. In addition, the companies in the industry are limited in terms of scale, , The speed of development and the development characteristics of the traditional industries showed significant differences in the characteristics of the business, with research significance and value. Based on this, we take 158 companies in the information technology industry as a sample, use the extended Jones model to measure the earnings management of the sample companies, and use the principal component analysis to construct the investor sentiment index. Finally, we use the OLS model to analyze the enterprise earnings management and investment The two factors of the sentiment on the industry listed companies IPO premiums conducted an empirical test. Empirical results show that there is a significant positive correlation between investor sentiment and IPO premium, indicating that investor sentiment has a significant impact on the IPO premium. Corporate earnings management is not significant in the regression, will not systematically affect the IPO premium phenomenon in the information technology industry, indicating that corporate earnings management may affect the IPO underpricing in the primary market rather than the secondary IPO premium In addition, factors such as the number of samples, the time interval of samples and industry characteristics will also affect the empirical results. Accordingly, we believe that at this stage, the issue of coping with the excessively high IPO premium rate can start from strengthening information disclosure, fostering rational investors and promoting the reform of the IPO listing and distribution system.
对水利工程管理存在的问题展开论述,并对如何完善水利工程管理体系,保障水利工程质量进行了分析 Discusses the existing problems of water conservancy project managemen
我公公今年80岁了,睡觉经常流口水,老中医说流口水是脾虚的表现,还给了我一个偏方:泥鳅半斤,去内脏晒干,炒黄研成粉,用黄酒冲服,一次二钱,一日一次,服完即可。  中医认为,“五脏化液,脾为涎。口为脾窍,涎出于口,涎为脾之液。”如果脾脏虚弱,水湿过盛,使得口中涎液过多,然而脾虚,无力控制,就会流到口外。脾有运化食物中的营养物质和运输水液以及统摄血液等作用,脾脏虚弱,则其运化作用失常,所以除了流口水还
《中共中央 国务院关于深化改革加强食品安全工作的意见》5月20日公开发布。这是第一个以中共中央、国务院名义出台的食品安全工作纲领性文件,国务院食品安全办负责人5月21日就《意见》相关要点答记者问。  问:请介绍一下《意见》出台的背景、过程和重要意义。  答:党中央、国务院高度重视食品安全工作。党的十九大报告明确提出实施食品安全战略,让人民吃得放心。  按照党中央、国务院决策部署,在国务院食品安全委
最近,网上和微信朋友圈流传这样一个说法:吃车厘子一次最好别超过20顆,吃完后还得多喝水——因为车厘子含铁多,并含有一定量的氰苷,所以不能多吃,否则有“铁中毒”或“氰化物中毒”的风险。  生活中不乏“车厘子控”们,有人吃起来轻轻松松就能干掉一斤多,远远超过了20颗。如此看来,他们岂非已成了中毒高危人群?真相是这样吗?  中国营养协会的专家说,车厘子中确实含有铁,但每100克中只含有0.3~0.4毫克
乡村振兴,产业振兴是关键。内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗牢牢把握产业振兴这个关键,大胆创新求变,通过探索建立土地合作社、产业联合体,引进新技术、新品种等途径,不断提高农民组织化程度,优化农业经营方式和产业结构,促进农业增效、农民增收和农村发展。  土地合作社——“合”出新希望  今年春耕时节,达拉特旗出现了这样一种现象:很多农民不买籽种不买化肥,也不去耕种土地,田间地头似乎比往年安静了许多。  農