
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Bo_Gao
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目的调查四川省宜宾市辖区内白蚁物种的多样性,研究其区系分布特征。方法采用大面积广泛调查方法,在房屋建筑区、园林绿地区、农田生活区、山坡草地区、人工林区及自然林区等生境中采集白蚁标本。结果经5年考察和鉴定,记述了宜宾市白蚁种类3科9属22种,其中优势类群为黑翅土白蚁(占标本总数的32.75%)、黑胸散白蚁(24.24%)、黄胸散白蚁(15.98%)、尖唇散白蚁(7.31%)、细颚散白蚁(5.32%)和宜宾近扭白蚁(4.69%),占总种数的27.27%。全市性种类为黑翅土白蚁、黑胸散白蚁、黄胸散白蚁、尖唇散白蚁、细颚散白蚁、舌唇散白蚁和扬子江近扭白蚁,占总种数的31.82%。在我国动物区系划分中,宜宾市属中亚热带常绿阔叶林区四川盆地亚区,结合动物地理区划和白蚁区划格局,把宜宾白蚁区系划分为戎西凉山余绪区(Ⅰ)、戎南四川盆地盆舷区(Ⅱ)、戎东北华蓥山余脉区(Ⅲ)、戎东南四川盆地东岭谷区(Ⅳ)、戎西北四川盆地盆中方山丘陵区(Ⅴ)5个生态区。Ⅰ区发现白蚁3科6属11种,优势种4种,特有种3种;Ⅱ区发现白蚁2科4属15种,优势种3种,特有种3种;Ⅲ区发现白蚁2科4属14种,优势种5种,特有种2种;Ⅳ区发现白蚁3科5属12种,优势种4种,特有种1种;Ⅴ区发现白蚁2科3属8种,优势种5种,无特有种。Ⅴ区白蚁种类明显少于其他区。从西南部高山区向东北部浅丘区,海拔明显降低,白蚁种类从南向北逐渐增多。结论此次调查明确了四川省宜宾市辖区内白蚁物种的多样性及其区系分布特征,为四川省宜宾市白蚁的生态和防治研究提供了科学依据。 Objective To investigate the diversity of termites species in the area of ​​Yibin, Sichuan Province, and to study their floristic distribution. Methods A large area survey method was used to collect termites in habitats such as house building area, garden green area, farmland living area, hillside grass area, artificial forest area and natural forest area. Results After 5 years of investigation and identification, 22 species of termites belonging to 9 genera, 3 families, were recorded. Among them, dominant termites were black-winged termites (accounting for 32.75% of total specimens), black-throated termites (24.24%), Termites (15.98%), Sharp-headed termites (7.31%), Fine-jawed termites (5.32%) and Yibin nearly twisted termites (4.69%), accounting for 27.27% of the total. The city’s species are black-winged termites, black-breasted termites, yellow-breasted termites, sharp-eyed termites, fine-jawed termites, vermiculite and near-twisted termites, accounting for 31.82% of the total species. In the classification of animal fauna in China, Yibin City belongs to the sub-region of the Sichuan Basin in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. According to the geographical zoning of animals and termites, the Yibin termite fauna is divided into the Yu-District of Liangshan (Ⅰ) Rongnan Pangxian area in Sichuan Basin (Ⅱ), Rongbian area in Huaying Mountain in Northeast China (Ⅲ), Dongling Valley area in Rongdongnan Sichuan basin (Ⅳ), and Rongbei area in Sichuan Basin (Ⅴ) Area. There are 11 termites, 6 genera, 3 dominant species, 4 dominant species and 3 endemic species of termites in area Ⅰ. There are 15 species of 2 genera, 4 genera, 3 species of dominant species, 3 species of endemic species, and 3 endemic species of termites in area Ⅱ. 14 species, 5 dominant species and 2 endemic species. There were 12 species of termites, 5 genera, 4 species of dominant species and 1 endemic species in area Ⅳ. There were 8 species, 3 genera, 2 species of termites, 5 species of dominant species, No special species. V termite species was significantly less than other areas. From the high mountains in the southwest to the shallow hills in the northeast, the elevation is obviously reduced and the species of termites gradually increase from south to north. Conclusion The survey identified the species diversity of termites and their floristic distribution in the Yibin area of ​​Sichuan Province, and provided a scientific basis for the study of the ecology and control of termites in Yibin, Sichuan.
作者曾遇到两例外伤性虹膜脱出,伤后分别为10天及12天行虹膜切除,角膜缝合术,效果颇为满意,报告如下: 病例报告例1:许××,女,5岁。住院号17214。于1977年3月14日左眼碰撞在
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浙中千年古邑浦江县,明朝开国文臣之首宋濂曾有著述:“浦江虽蕞尔小邑,自宋而降,尤以文学而显。……”正是这样一个“文化之邦、诗书传世”的江南小邑,却有一处璞玉未琢至今尚未开发的风景又极佳的古道古关隘。这个被称为野马岭的地方,看上去就是一处江南的寻常山岭,千百年来,却是婺州府严州府的分界之地,时至今天,依旧是金华辖下浦江县与杭州辖下建德市的分界线。  一个以诗书文学闻名于世的浙中小县,居然有一处历代战
病例报告徐××,男,1(1/6)岁,江西波阳人,住院号83153,于1983年3月15日下午3时急诊入院。患儿于中午12点半左右,在玩刈草钩时倾跌,啼哭不止,待其母抱起,发现左眼被 Case Re