
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttjjww1129
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目的 了解河南省淮阳丘陵生态区人体肠道寄生虫病流行现状.方法 按照全国第三次人体重点寄生虫病调查方案及河南省的调查方案,在生态区的基础上,结合经济和地理条件进行分层整群抽样.对调查点常驻居民采用改良加藤法和碘液涂片法分别检查肠道蠕虫和原虫感染情况,3~6岁儿童用肛拭法检测蛲虫感染.结果 河南省淮阳丘陵生态区抽中9个县,26个调查点,共调查6710人,其中528名3~6岁儿童接受了蛲虫肛拭检查.共查出肠道寄生虫11种,总感染率1.65%,其中蠕虫5种,感染率1.07%;原虫6种,感染率0.61%;儿童肛拭阳性率3.79%.混合感染占0.10%,均为2虫种混合感染.主要肠道寄生虫为蛔虫0.31%、人芽囊原虫0.28%和钩虫0.27%.儿童肛拭蛲虫感染率3.79%.原虫在各年龄组均有感染,9岁及以下人群发现的寄生虫感染种类最多,以蛲虫为主.经驱虫人群肠道寄生虫和土源性线虫感染率均较未驱虫人群低.结论 河南省淮阳丘陵生态区人体重点寄生虫感染率明显下降,应加强对学龄前儿童和学生的寄生虫病防治与监测工作.“,”Objective To understand the epidemic status of principal human parasitosis in the ecological region of Huaiyang hills of Henan Province. Methods According to the scheme of The 3rd National Survey of Principal Human Parasites made by National Institute of Parasitic Diseases,the survey was performed based on the ecological regions. The stratified cluster sampling was made combined with the economic and geographical conditions. The infections of intestinal helminths and protozoans in per-manent residents were respectively detected by Kato-Kats technique and iodine solution. Trichuris trichiura infection was detect-ed by the cellophane swab method in children aged 3 to 6 years. Results Totally 6710 residents in 26 survey spots from 9 coun-ties were detected,in which 528 children aged 3 to 6 years were detected for T. trichiura infection. Eleven kinds of parasites were found in this survey,including 5 species of helminthes and 6 species of protozoans. The infection rates of overall parasites, helminthes and protozoans were respectively 1.65%,1.07%and 0.61%. The infection rate of T. trichiura in the children aged 3 to 6 years was 3.79%. Only 0.10 percent of the infections were co-infection,and all were infected by 2 kinds of parasites. The principal parasites in this district were Ascaris lumbricoides(0.31%),Blastocystis hominis(0.28%)and hookworm(0.27%). The T. trichiura infection rate among children was 3.79% by the cellophane swab method. The infections of protozoans were found in all age groups. In the group aged 9 years and below,the maximum kinds of parasites were found. Conclusion The in-fection rates of principal human parasites in Huaiyang hilly ecological region of Henan have decreased sharply ,but more efforts still should be paid on the prevention and control of parasitosis in children.
胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)指胃内容物异常反流至食管,引起烧心反酸和反食、胸痛、咳嗽等诸多不适症状的一种疾病,本病临床症状多端,易反复发作,严
血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)是由Ferrara和Henzel[1]于1989年从培养的牛垂体滤泡星状细胞中分离出的一种多肽,具有特异性促血管内皮细胞增殖分裂、促进新生血管形成和侧支循环开放等作用.由于其众多的生理、病理作用而被人们广泛研究,尤其在心血管和外周血管疾病、肾脏疾病以及肿瘤等领域颇受关注.现就VEGF的生物学特点及其在