World's Highest Mountain,Everest, Is Even Taller

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编辑同志,我在读了贵刊今年第10期上的“华盛顿纪念碑长高了”一文后不久,我在网上读到了珠峰长高了的短文,兴味盎然。 今年五月由Pete Athans and Bill Crouse率领的7人小队,在珠峰之巅使用了称为Global Positioning System的高科技设备,历时50分钟,测得珠峰的最新高度为29,035feet(编者注:约8849.87米)—about five and a half miles high.这个新测得的权威高度,比1954年测得的29,028feet整整高了7英尺! 在这个7英尺中,固然有前人测量时产生的误差,但是,另一个原因是本文的首句所言:…is still growing! 似乎世界上的许多东西都在不声不响的长高。这些文章都只是报道了这些不可思议的表面现象,至于为什么会产生这种现象,就不得而知。我将注意这方面的报道,如果你们有这方面的分析文章,也望能在贵刊刊登。 Comrade comrades, I read the article “Washington Monument grew taller” on the 10th issue of this year’s magazine. I read the essay on the Internet at the height of Everest and I was very excited. In May this year, the 7-person team led by Pete Athans and Bill Crouse used the high-tech equipment known as the Global Positioning System at the top of Mount Everest. It took 50 minutes and measured the new height of Mount Everest as 29,035 feet (Editor’s Note: About 8849.87m) — about five and a half miles high. This new measured authority height is 7 feet higher than 29,028feet measured in 1954! In this 7-footer, although there are errors in previous measurements, but another reason is the first sentence of this article: ... is still growing! It seems that many things in the world are growing louder and louder. These articles have only reported on these incredible superficial phenomena, and it is unclear as to why this phenomenon has occurred. I will pay attention to this report. If you have an analysis article in this area, I hope to publish it in your magazine.
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