配载吨控合二为一 工作效率更高

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近日,国货航成都基地将原本属于两个部门的配载与吨控合二为一,并入基地市场销售部门统一管理,从而减少了协调,增加了沟通,使出港工作更加便捷高效。这是基地加强对市场销售部门管理的重要举措之一。配载原本是基地出港部门的一个岗位,吨控之前属于基地市场销售部门管理。按照《作业指导书》的规定,配载根据吨控的订舱单对指定货物进行舱位预配。由于它们分属于两个部门管理,在信息沟通上难免出现不畅而需要协调。出于提高工作效率,优化服务质量,打好效益攻坚的考虑,基地进行了大胆的尝试,将配载与吨控一体化,纳入市场销售部门管理。此次合并产生了五大益处:第一,有效地确保了订舱货物及时成行。成都出港的货物多为农副产品,临时性变动大,货主往往未按电话订舱信息交运货物,要么货多,要么不按时交货的情况时有发生,这就给舱位管理造成了很大的压力。配载与吨控成为一个部门后,方便了信息沟通,便于订舱单与货物预配舱位方面的衔接。第二,提高了航班的载运率。之前的出港货物操作是吨控接受货主电话订舱信息,然后将订舱指令下达给配载执行。吨控无法看到货物实体,凭借货主描述而下达的订舱指令难免与现场保障脱节,出现实际配载货物超大、轻泡情况。合并后,当发生订舱信息与实际货物体积不相符时,配载灵活调整,将轻重货物搭配,达到合理利用舱位。第三,简化了操作 Recently, Air China Cargo Base in Chengdu merged the stowage and tonnage control, which originally belonged to two departments, into the unified management of sales offices in the base market, thus reducing coordination, increasing communication and making port work more convenient and efficient. This is one of the important measures taken by the base to strengthen the management of the marketing department. Stowage was originally a departure port department of a post, ton before the control of the base market sales department management. In accordance with the “operating instructions” provisions, according to the tonnage of the booking with the designated cargo space pre-allocation. As they belong to the management of the two departments, communication is inevitably poor and need to be coordinated. In order to improve work efficiency, optimize service quality and lay a solid foundation for effective tackling, the base undertook a bold attempt to integrate the integration of loading and tonnage management into the management of the marketing department. The merger has five major benefits: First, effectively ensure that the booking of goods in a timely manner. Chengdu out of Hong Kong’s goods mostly agricultural and sideline products, temporary changes in large, often not the owner of the cargo booking information delivery of goods by telephone, or goods, or non-delivery of the situation from time to time, which resulted in a great management of the space pressure. Tailoring and tonnage became a department, facilitate the communication of information, ease of booking and cargo pre-order space convergence. Second, it has improved the carrying capacity of flights. Prior to the departure of cargo operations tonnage to accept the owner phone booking information, and then issued to the booking order stowage implementation. Tonnage can not see the cargo entity, with the description of the owner issued a booking command inevitably out of touch with the scene, the actual delivery of large cargo, light foam situation. After the merger, when the booking information does not match with the actual cargo volume, the loading will be flexibly adjusted and the light and heavy cargo will be collocated to achieve the rational utilization of the cargo space. Third, to simplify the operation
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作者简介:高雷(1988-),女,河北石家庄人,汉族,沈阳师范大学法硕(非法学)11级。  【摘要】目前动物保护的立法得到在很多国家的普遍认同并且建立了相对完善的动物福利保护的立法体系。而在我国,此方面立法相对缺乏,现有的法律法规也存在诸多问题,动物保护在法律面前显得苍白,而由此也造成国内动物受虐待、国际贸易受阻等一系列问题。所以本文通过对我国动物立法现状的分析,结合已有的动物保护立法的不足,提出