
来源 :中国改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreamyeah
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面对新世纪百舸争流的发展趋势,以及明晦参半的国际环境,我们必须认识到,一个大国经济的根本保证,在于自身的健康。然而令人忧虑的恰恰是,在我国经济持续快速发展的背后,正日益暴露出长期未能解决的一些深层矛盾隐忧。其最大、最急迫者,各界人士的共识是:惟“三农”问题莫属!八亿农民收入增长缓慢,负担难以降低;广大农村发展相对落后,城乡差距进一步扩大;农业失血日趋严重……,如此等等,不仅制约着我国经济的发展,而且可能引发种种矛盾,破坏稳定的社会政治环境。党中央、国务院历来高度重视“三农”问题,“十五”规划以人为本,更将强化农业基础地位,加快中西部地区开发,保证经济可持续发展作为战略目标予以明确。推进农村改革正成为普遍的要求。为此,我刊近期不仅连续组织有关“三农”问题的专题报道,而且与国务院发展研究中心共同举办“WTO与中国农村经济发展”系列研讨会,其北京高层研讨引起了各界、包括海外的关注,东北、西北、西南分区会议也在筹备中。这里刊发的一组文章,作者均为我国著名的专家学者。相信他们从不同角度对“三农”问题深层原因的分析,会对大家认识的深化有所裨益。近来学术界有关反垄断的讨论焦点,更多对准的是与城市经济相关的领域,而关乎广大农村的? In the face of the trend of development in the new century and the bright and turbulent international environment, we must realize that the fundamental guarantee for the economy of a big power lies in its own health. However, what worries us precisely is that behind our sustained and rapid economic development, some deep-seated contradictions and worries that have not been solved for a long time are increasingly exposed. The consensus among its largest and most urgent persons and people from all walks of life is: However, the issue of “agriculture, countryside and farmers” is none other than that! 800 million peasants have slow growth and little burden on their incomes. The development of the vast rural areas is lagging behind and the gap between urban and rural areas is further widened. The loss of agriculture is exacerbated. And so on, not only restricts the economic development of our country, but may also lead to various contradictions and destabilize Social and political environment. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to the issue of “agriculture, countryside and farmers”. In the 10th Five-year Plan, people-oriented planning has also made it clear that they will strengthen their basic agricultural status, accelerate the development of the central and western regions and ensure the sustainable development of their economy. Promote rural reform is becoming a universal requirement. To this end, we have not only continuously organized the special reports on issues concerning agriculture, farmer and rural areas, but also organized a series of seminars on “WTO and Rural Economic Development in China” jointly with the Development Research Center of the State Council. The high-level seminar in Beijing has aroused people from all walks of life, including overseas Concern, Northeast, Northwest, Southwest Division meeting is also in preparation. A series of articles published here, the authors are well-known experts and scholars in our country. I believe they can benefit from deepening our understanding through analysis of the underlying causes of the “three rural issues” from different angles. In recent academic circles, the focus of discussion on antitrust has focused more on the areas related to the urban economy and on the vast rural areas.
【试题呈现】  请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。  As long as we dare to dream and don’t give up halfway, anything is possible -- there is truly no end to where our dreams can take us.  注意:  1. 无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;  2. 除诗歌
据最新统计,去年埃及在世界香料出口国家中排名第十位,出口总值2232万美元,约占2003 年世界香料出口总量的2.47%,共出口46个国家,其中五个占埃及出口总量的73%。根据埃及内阁