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1.总的印象 最近国家教委颁布的《全日制小学语文教学大纲》,是继1956年、1963年、1978年之后的第四个小学语文教学大纲,又是建国以来第一个正式的小语大纲(以前三个分别为“草案”或“试行草案”),还是第一次经全国中小学教材审定委员会审定通过的小语大纲。它作为一个过渡大纲(1990年后将实施义务教育小学语文教学大纲),较好地体现了《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》和《中华人民共和国义务教育法》的精神,注重给学生打下扎实的语文基础,注意反映近年教学改革的新鲜经验,既提出了使大多数学生都能达到的基本要求,又不限制条件较好的学生的发展,对各地正确认识和进行小学语文教学,促进教学质量的提高,将起到一定的指导作用。 1. General Impression The “National Syllabus for Full-time Primary Schooling” promulgated by the State Education Commission of the People’s Republic of China is the fourth primary language syllabus after 1956, 1963, and 1978. It is also the first official language since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The outline (the previous three were “Draft” or “Trial Draft”) was the first small language outline approved by the National Examination and Approval Committee for Primary and Secondary School Textbooks. It serves as a transitional program (will implement compulsory education primary school Chinese teaching syllabus after 1990), which better embodies the spirit of the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party on Educational System Reform” and the “Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China”, and lays stress on laying a foundation for students. The solid foundation of language and attention to recent experiences in teaching reform reflect the basic requirements that the majority of students can achieve, without restricting the development of students with better conditions, correct understanding of localities and teaching Chinese in primary schools, and promoting The improvement of teaching quality will play a guiding role.
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