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近两年来,我有幸与李时岳同志就中国近代史的中心线索问题,共同进行了一次真诚的学术讨论,到最近时岳同志在《历史研究》总第二百期发表的大作为止,讨论可以说进行了两轮。与此同时,许多学者也就与此有关的问题撰写论文或进行座谈、笔会,估计还会引起更多的人参加讨论的兴趣。这个势头如果保持下去,对中国近代史、特别是近代经济史研究的进一步开展,无疑是有益的。现在的问题,是如何使这个富有活力的讨论能够深入下去。因为只有深入下去,才能有利于保持活力。而要做到这一点,我认为,一个主要的途径,是设法把我们的讨论和正面的研完结合起来。我们讨论的问题,是一个大面积的问题,需要有细部的研究,注入讨论的活力。老是在大面上直来直去,无助于认识的深层化,也难以取得大体一致的共识。本着这一粗浅的想法,本文试图在这方面作一点尝试,即通过一些细部的具体事实,进行一番思索,把自己所得到的初步认识提出来,供大家批评讨论,以期引起进一步的研究。对于近代中国买办阶级问题的思索,就是这一尝试的开始。 In the past two years, I have had the privilege of conducting a sincere academic discussion with Comrade Li Shiyue on the clues of the center of modern Chinese history. Until recently, while studying the great work published in the 200th anniversary of “Historical Studies,” we can say that For two rounds. In the meantime, many scholars also write essays or hold symposiums and pens conferences on the related issues, which are estimated to cause more people to participate in the discussions. If this trend is maintained, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to the further development of the study of Chinese modern history, especially that of modern economic history. The question now is how to make this dynamic discussion go deep. Because only by going further can we be able to maintain our vitality. To do this, I think one of the main ways is to try to combine our discussion with a positive one. The issue we are discussing is a large-scale issue, requiring detailed research and injecting vitality into discussion. Always go straight on and off in the general situation, does not help the deepening of understanding, it is difficult to obtain a broad consensus. In light of this superficial idea, this article tries to make some attempts in this respect by some detailed and detailed facts, to make some initial thoughts about what I have learned and to criticize the discussion for the sake of further research . The contemplation of the question of the comprador class in modern China is the beginning of this attempt.
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