Beijing Medicines & Health Products I/E Corp.

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowlhj
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The Beijing Medicines & Health Products I/E Corporation deals in the import and export of the municipality’s medicines and health products. Since its founding in 1986, its import and export value has totalled US $ 240 million. To meet the needs of the economic and trade reform and make itself more competitive on the world market, the company has gradually readjusted its management structure to make itself a modern enterprise in the socialist market economy. The company has consistently adhered to the principles of honouring contracts, keeping commercial faith and The Beijing Medicines & Health Products I/E Corporation deals in the import and export of the municipality’s medicines and health products. Since its founding in 1986, its import and export value has totalled US $240 million. To meet the needs of the economic and Trade reform and make itself more competitive on the world market, the company has gradually readjusted its management structure to make itself a modern enterprise in the socialist market economy. The company has consistently adhered to the principles of honouring contracts, keeping commercial faith and
目前,中俄两国都在由计划经济向市 场经济转变,都在实行对外开放,积极与国际市场接轨,都在创造条件逐步向国际规范化靠拢。在这样一个历史性的转折时期,也必然要求边境地方
澳大利亚抓住亚洲经济迅速发展的时机,积极开拓市场,对这一地区的商品出口额持续增长,去年达到320亿美元。 据澳大利亚贸易部10月12日出版的《亚洲通讯》公布,在1994—1995
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