有人把富春江国家森林公园里那“七里扬帆”一带的风光称之为“小三峡”,我认为这是不恰当的。“人行明镜中,鸟渡屏风里”。“天下隹山水,古今推富春”。富春江风光之美,是一派纯自然的青山绿水之美,富春江风光之美,是一方清幽古朴的诗画之美。她与小三峡那悬崖峭壁的雄奇险峻的阳刚之气大相径庭,富春江风光是娟秀清丽的。她宛如一个国色天香沉鱼落雁之貌的南国少女;她是伫立在江南黄金旅游线上的一个春天的画廊。 富春江风光与长江、漓江齐名于天下。随着生态环境的恶化,长江、漓江的山光虽然依旧,可水色早已今不如昔了。但富春江的
Some people call it the “Three Gorges” in the “Seven Mile Elevators” in the Fuchunjiang National Forest Park. I think this is not appropriate. “Walk in the Mirror, birds crossing the screen.” “World 隹 landscapes, ancient and modern push Fuchun.” The beauty of the beautiful scenery of Fuchun River is the beauty of mountains and rivers of pure natural beauty and the beauty of the beautiful scenery of Fuchun River. She and the Three Gorges cliff that magnificent steep majestic masculinity is very different, Fuchunjiang scenery is beautiful elegant show. She is like a southern country maiden who looks like a natural beauty; she is a spring gallery standing on the golden tourist line in the south of Yangtze River. Fuchun River scenery and the Yangtze River, Lijiang famous in the world. With the deterioration of the ecological environment, although the mountains of the Yangtze River and Lijiang River are still the same, the water color may not be as good as the past. But Fuchun River