
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaomohans
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十四年来,我国的价格改革在价格体制、价格结构(价格体系)以及价格构成三个方面都取得了重大的成就。经过改革,在很大程度上实现了价格形成机制和运行机制的转换,理顺或缓解了相当部分商品价格的扭曲,有力地配合了整个经济体制的改革,促进了经济的发展,市场的活跃与繁荣以及人民生活的改善。由于国家逐步放开了大部分商品价格,实行市场调节,以市场形成价格为主的价格机制的框架已经形成。新的价格机制的建立、企业价格自主权的落实,对促进国有企业经营机制的转换起着积极作用;为各类市场的建立与发展提供了良好的外部环境;也为恢复中国在关贸总协定缔约国地位创造了有利条件。总的来说,新的价格机制同建立我国社会主义市场经济体制的要求是相适应的。但是,也要看到,当前在价格体制和价格结构方面都还存在着一些不很完善和值得重视的问题,尚待在加快与深化价格改革中解决。 In the past fourteen years, China's price reforms have made significant achievements in the price system, price structure (price system) and price structure. After the reforms, the conversion of price formation mechanisms and operating mechanisms has largely been realized, the distortions in the prices of a considerable part of commodities have been straightened out or eased, and the reform of the entire economic system has been vigorously supported, which has promoted economic development and market activity. With prosperity and improvement of people's lives. As the country has gradually liberalized most commodity prices and implemented market adjustments, a price-based pricing mechanism has been formed. The establishment of a new pricing mechanism and the implementation of the autonomy of prices by enterprises play a positive role in promoting the transformation of the operating mechanism of state-owned enterprises; it provides a good external environment for the establishment and development of various markets; and it also restores China’s presence in GATT. The status of the parties to the Agreement creates favorable conditions. In general, the new price mechanism is compatible with the requirements for establishing a socialist market economy in China. However, we must also realize that there are still some problems that are not perfect and worth paying attention to in terms of price system and price structure, and they need to be solved in the process of accelerating and deepening price reform.
教授的不同在一所大学的操场上,政治学教授、哲学教授和语言学教授围着一根旗杆。数学教授走过来,问:“先生们在忙什么?”“我们需要这旗杆的高度,正在讨论用什 The differe
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当前,国际市场出现八个机遇,有利于扩大我国商品出口: 1 瑞典今年取消对香港成衣进口限制,为我国扩大成衣出口提供机会;2.巴西政府结束了长达15年的进口限制,将扩大对电视机