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一、准中央人民政府财政部一九五○年一九月十五日财计字第四三三号通知:「各级政府根据五○年编制,进行整编,其编余人员处理费用(包括编余人员训练费,退职人员回籍旅费,及生产补助费),分别规定如左:(一)编余人员训练费:1、调练班开办费:各训练班应尽量利用现有之设备,以不另外开支开办费为原则,其必要之办公,伙食等用具,应按实际需要,造报预算送交各该级编制委员会及同级财政部门审核同意后,开支。2、公用开支:按照一九五○年度供给标准中各级训练人员之规定办理。3、个人生活费用:供给制人员按原干部等级待遇标准办理,不得减低,薪金制人员原则上应按原薪发给,但不合理者,应逐渐争取降低。(二)退职人员补助费:编余人员自愿回籍生产,或因年迈体弱请求退职,经机关首长 I. The Ministry of Finance of the Peoples’ Government of the People’s Government of the People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China Notice No. 433 of the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Government of the People’s Government of the People’s Government of the People’s Government: "Governments at all levels make reorganizations according to the code of 50 years and their staffing costs For example, the left: (A) more than the staff training costs: 1, the training course start-up fee: the training course should make full use of existing equipment , With no additional expenses to start the fee principle, the necessary office, meals and other appliances, should be based on actual needs, reported the budget submitted to the preparation committee at the same level and the financial department at the same level review and approval expenditures .2, public expenditure: In accordance with the provisions of the standard for training staff at all levels in the 1950s.3.Personal living expenses: The supply staffs shall be governed by the standards of the original cadre level and shall not be subject to any reduction. The salary staff members shall in principle be given the original salary but not Reasonable, should gradually strive to reduce. (Two) the retired staff allowance: the surplus staff voluntary home-origin production, or due to frail elderly request to resign, the head of the agency
本文简要介绍斯波特卫星系统的任务,综述推扫式相机的性能,并介绍本文发表时所获得的相机研制结果。 This article gives a brief introduction to the tasks of the Sputte
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