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在过去的1993年,各地高新技术产业开发区(New High Tech Development Zone——NHTZ)发展中颇具戏剧性。它们经历了年初“开发区过热”的洗涤,年中紧缩银根的冲击,年末各项改革措施出台的震荡,在风风雨雨中一路前行。中国NHTZ走过了又一个年关。全国上下各施神通 1985年5月,国务院批准在北京市新技术产业开发试验区实行18条特殊政策后,在全国起到了示范作用,各地纷纷效仿,一大批高新技术产业开发区陆续创办起来。目前,在我国东南沿海地区,东北、西北、西南沿边地区以及内陆地区,已相继建立了近100个国家级和地方级的NHTZ,形成了星罗棋布、优势各异的格局。上海,利用浦东开发的机遇,将原属浦东新区的张江高科技园与国家级NHTZ——浦西漕河泾新兴技术开发区合并,这样张江科技园可同时享受国家级NHTZ和浦东新区的优惠政策。合并后它将成为目前国家级开发区中新建面积最大的一个,产值统计亦将大幅增加,它将 In the past 1993, the development of New High Tech Development Zone (NHTZ) was quite dramatic. They experienced the “overheating of the development zone” at the beginning of the year, tightening the impact of monetary policy in the middle of the year, and the shocks introduced at the end of the year in various reform measures, all the way forward in the ups and downs. China’s NHTZ has gone through another year. The national supernatural powers were adopted in May 1985. After the State Council approved the implementation of 18 special policies in the Beijing New Technology Industry Development Experimental Zone, it played a demonstration role in the country. Various localities followed suit and a large number of high-tech industrial development zones were established one after another. At present, in the southeast coastal areas of China, the northeast, northwest, southwest border areas and inland areas have successively established nearly 100 national and local NHTZs, forming a pattern of various distributions with different advantages. Shanghai, taking advantage of Pudong development opportunities, merged Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, formerly Pudong New Area, with the national-level NHTZ—Puxi Caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone, so that Zhangjiang Science Park can enjoy preferential policies for national-level NHTZ and Pudong New Area at the same time. After the merger, it will become the largest newly-built area in the national development zone, and the output value statistics will also increase substantially.
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