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2001年是新世纪的开端,也是“十五”计划实施的第一年,开好局、起好步关系重大。浙江省科技工作的总体要求是,高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜,深入贯彻落实党的十五届五中全会和省委十届五次全会精神,以“创新、产业化”为指导方针,以加快建设“科技强省”为目标,力求在高新技术产业化、科技体制改革、科技创新体系建设、科技发展环境建设等方面要取得重大进展,努力实现技术和社会生产力的跨越式发展,为我省经济社会发展和经济结构的调整提供强大动力,推动我省现代化建设。 一、抓载体建设,促“天堂硅谷”创建 一是围绕“明确目标、扩大规模、加快引进、强化孵化、营造环境”的要求,加快高新技术产业园区建设。对高新 2001 is the beginning of the new century and also the first year of the implementation of the Tenth Five-Year Plan. It is of great interest to take a good start and take good steps. The overall requirement of science and technology work in Zhejiang Province is to hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and the Fifth Plenary Session of the Tenth CPC Central Committee, take “innovation and industrialization” as guidelines, and accelerate Build a strong province of science and technology, and strive to make significant progress in the industrialization of high-tech industries, the reform of the science and technology system, the construction of a science and technology innovation system and the construction of a science and technology environment, so as to make great strides in the leapfrog development of technology and social productive forces. Economic and social development and economic restructuring to provide a strong impetus to promote the modernization of our province. I. Focusing on Carrier Construction and Promoting “Paradise Silicon Valley” First, we will speed up the construction of high-tech industrial parks in line with the requirements of “specifying the goal, expanding the scale, speeding up the introduction, strengthening the incubation and creating the environment”. High-tech
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