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发展党内民主既是马克思主义政党的本质要求,也是社会主义国家执政党适应世界潮流、巩固执政地位的紧迫任务。在新的历史起点上,我们党积极推进党内民主建设,进一步增强党的创新活力、巩固党的团结统一,对于全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程和中国特色社会主义伟大事业,具有十分重要的意义。为此,中央组织部党建研究所在2008年设立了“关于党内民主建设若干问题研究”的重点课题。课题组先后到湖南、江苏、河南、安徽等地进行了深入调研,到中央党校、中国社会科学院等单位访谈了部分专家学者。共召开各类座谈会16个,走访地方党政领导和专家学者19人。在网上开展了问卷调查,共收回有效问卷1043份。同时,邀请湖北、河南省委组织部和烟台、宜昌、亳州市委组织部,天津、山西、上海等省(市)委党校,辽宁省党建研究会,国家行政学院科研部,中国社科院政治学所等11个单位开展子课题调研。课题组在广泛深入调研的基础上,对进一步加强党内民主建设问题形成了一些新的认识和思考,就以下四个问题作了初步研究和探讨。 To develop inner-party democracy is not only the essential requirement of a Marxist political party, but also an urgent task for the ruling parties in the socialist countries to adapt to the world trend and consolidate their ruling status. At the new historical starting point, it is very important for our party to actively push forward the building of inner-party democracy, further enhance the party’s vitality in innovation, and consolidate the unity and unity of the party. It is very important for promoting the great new project of party building and the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics Meaning. To this end, the Party Organization Research Institute of the Central Organization Department established the key issue of “Research on Several Issues concerning Democratization within the Party” in 2008. The research group successively went to Hunan, Jiangsu, Henan and Anhui for in-depth research and interviewed some experts and scholars from the Central Party School and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Held a total of 16 various types of forums, visited local party and government leaders and experts and scholars 19 people. Conducted a survey online, a total of 1043 valid questionnaires were retrieved. At the same time, Hubei, Henan Provincial Party Committee Organization Department and Yantai, Yichang, Bozhou Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Tianjin, Shanxi, Shanghai and other provinces (municipal) Party School, Liaoning Provincial Party Building Research Association, National Institute of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of 11 units to carry out sub-project research. On the basis of extensive and thorough investigation and research, the research group formed some new understandings and reflections on further strengthening the building of inner-party democracy and conducted preliminary research and discussion on the following four issues.
结合教学实践,就高三复习教学进行了分析。 Combining with teaching practice, the third grade review teaching was analyzed.
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【摘 要】在高中生物实验教学中,除了使学生达到提高动手能力、了解实验原理和方法、验证所学知识这些目的以外,教给学生进行实验分析的一般方法、初步培养学生实验分析的能力还是必要的。在实验教学过程中,注重培养学生实验分析的能力,并就实验分析的方法进行了初步探索。  【关键词】实验分析 动手能力  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-8809(2010)12-0108-01    新课程
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