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1921年7月23日,中国共产党第一次全国代表大会在上海召开。大会通过了中国共产党党纲,确定了党的名称,确定了党成立后的中心任务,同时大会选举产生了中央局。从此,在中国出现了完全新式的、以共产主义为目的、以马克思列宁主义为行动指南的、统一的工人阶级政党。中国共产党的成立,这是开天辟地的大事变,它使中国无产阶级有了自己的先锋队,中国人民有了可以信赖的组织者和领导者,从此中国革命的面貌焕然一新。中国共产党成立后,首先集中力量从事工人运动,很快就形成了第一次罢工高潮。随后,制定了民主革命的纲领和建立革命统一战线的策略,提出了反帝反封建的政治主张,积极帮助孙中山改组国民党,从事农民运动,为迎接第一次大革命的到来作了重要准备。 July 23, 1921, the first Chinese Communist Party Congress was held in Shanghai. The General Assembly adopted the party’s program of the Communist Party of China, established the name of the party, determined the central task of the party after its establishment, and elected the Central Bureau through the General Assembly. Since then, there has been a completely new type of political party in China that is a communist working class and guided by Marxism-Leninism. The establishment of the Chinese Communist Party is an epoch-making event of great magnitude. It has enabled the Chinese proletariat to have its own vanguard and the Chinese people have credible organizers and leaders. From then on, the Chinese revolution has taken on a new look. After the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, it first concentrated its efforts on the workers’ movement and quickly formed the first strike. Subsequently, formulated the program of the democratic revolution and the strategy of establishing a revolutionary united front, put forward the political idea of ​​anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism, actively assisted Sun Yat-sen in restructuring the Kuomintang and the peasant movement, and made important preparations for the arrival of the first great revolution.
六、转变 4月26日苏州解放不久,各系学员响应党的号召参军南下,为数甚多,图博系有四五人。作为教师,我由衷支持。 7月1日毛主席发表了《论人民民主专政》。主持院务的新领导
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