How has Art Deco affected Chinese architecture

来源 :成长·读写月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stystill
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  Art Deco is a well-known visual arts design style that first appeared in France and became popular in America. As Hillier (1968) states “Art Deco as an assertively modern style that ran to symmetry rather than asymmetry, and to the rectilinear rather than the curvilinear; it responded to the demands to of the machine and of new material and the requirements of mass production.” With the incredibly rapid advancement of Art Deco, Chinese architectures has been influenced in many aspects. In some aspects, Chinese Art Deco architectures have the same characteristics with international architecture, but in some aspects, Chinese Art Deco architectures also have their own characteristics. This essay will first give three importance characteristics of the Art Deco in Chinese architecture. After that, it will pay attention to the spirits of the Art Deco in Chinese architecture. Finally, it will introduce the Chinese designers are pay more attention to use both tradition Chinese elements and international Art deco elements in Chinese architecture.
  “In China, at least 60 buildings, of which many are Art Deco, designed by Hungarian architect László Hudec survive in downtown Shanghai.”(Year of Hudec, Retrieved 18 May 2010). Approximately in 1920, the area of Joffre Business Circle in Shanghai appearance Chinese Art Deco and then it became more and more popular in China, especially in Shanghai. This essay will give three main characteristics of the Art Deco in Chinese architecture in Shanghai, which are same as international Art Deco architectures. The first one is the simple geometric figures. Because of the Industrial Revolution, the figures became more mechanical. The different usages of lines made the Chinese architectures looks more spectacular. The second one is the unique color. It used solid color, strong contrast color and metallic color. For example, red, pink, yellow, orange and so on. Different color reflects the different personality of Chinese architectures. The last one is the usage of new materials and technologies. With the development of the innovative industrial technology, the new materials and technologies appearance and make Chinese architectures gradually go beyond themselves.
  La Samaritaine department store, by Henri Sauvage, Paris (1925-1928)
  Under the influences of neo-classical and modernism, Chinese Art Deco architectures also combined classic and modern elements and made the Chinese Art Deco architectures can reflect the distinctly different artistic spirit. In my opinion, the most important spirits are comprehensive and innovative. On one hands, the Chinese Art Deco architectures retained many traditional elements, such as the Mayan totems and the Greek architectures. On the other hands, it absorbed the results of the Industrial Revolution. The Chinese Art Deco architectures also showed innovative spirits. It began to use natural lines, such as, the shapes of leaves. The different spirits made the Art Deco become the necessary style in the development of the architectures and brought influences to other art areas.   Approximately from 1920, Chinese Art Deco architectures have focus on both international Art Deco styles and traditional Chinese patterns. Generally, the overall layouts are used international Art Deco styles, and local details are used traditional Chinese patterns and elements. Such as traditional Chinese cloud pattern, dragon pattern, Chinese chess and so on. The usages of both international Art Deco styles and traditional Chinese patterns made Chinese Art Deco architectures not only stylish, but also subtle.
  In conclusion, in some aspects, Chinese Art Deco architectures absorbed the influences of the Industrial Revolution and had some same characteristics with international architectures. But in some aspects, Chinese Art Deco architectures also had their own characteristics and the traditional Chinese styles. Although, in my opinion, there are many things we can do in the future. Chinese designers still need to develop traditional Chinese thinking, not only use the traditional Chinese elements in some details. As the design students, we can absorb the advantages from the Art Deco and use it in many other ways. All in all, Art Deco affected Chinese architectures, and the usage of Chinese elements make it have Chinese architectures characteristics.
  [1]Hillier, B (1968). Art Deco of the 20s and 30s. Studio Vista. p.?12. ISBN?978-0-289-27788-1.
【摘 要】随着信息技术的不断进步,高校学生考试作弊手段逐渐呈现高科技化,为了防止学生作弊行为的发生,高校考务管理者应不断提高防作弊的技术和手段,本文基于考试防作弊系统中的人脸识别、指静脉识别等技术的应用特点,对实际应用的方式进行探讨,为有效解决学生考试作弊行为提供借鉴。  【关键词】考试防作弊系统;人脸识别技术;指静脉识别技术  高校考试作为一种评价学生知识掌握程度和教师教学效果的重要手段,对优化
【摘 要】信息共享空间是以多种形式的信息资源为工具,为用户获取信息资源并提升信息素养提供的一种特定空间,有效促进其学习、交流、协作和研究为目标的一种创新服务模式。本文会围绕高职院校打造信息共享空间的思考这一问题,分别从高职院校构建信息共享空间的必要性和可行性两个方面展开具体的阐述,让更多的人认识到高职院校构建信息共享空间是科学技术发展的必然,是提升学生职业素质和信息素养的重要方向。  【关键词】高
【摘 要】中职英语教学应以学生的职业应用为导向,以体现学生的岗位要求和职业能力为本位,重视英语知识的的实用性,以用定教,培养学生基于就业岗位的英语听说读写能力,提高学生就业和工作时的核心竞争力。本文基于“以用定教”的视角,从职场应用的英语听说能力、阅读能力和写作能力的培养三个方面,简要分析与职业需求有机契合的中职英语教学方法与策略。  【关键词】中职;英语教学;职业需求;以学定教  中职教育是以就
【摘 要】现在的中职教育主要是培养学生的专業技能,因此在教学过程中文化课程往往被忽略,尤其是英语教学。本文以中职基础英语教学中渗透专业知识为研究视角,提出了专业知识与英语相结合的教学模式。即要让学生掌握专业知识,也要让学生具备一定的英语语言能力。  【关键词】中职英语;专业特色  中等职业教育的目标是培养具有一定专业能力的高技能应用型人才,其目标决定了中职学校的教学定位,以就业为导向、以能力为本位
【摘 要】目的:探讨以问题為基础的交互式教学法在妇产科临床教学中的应用效果。方法:选取2013级临床医学专业的64名学生作为研究对象。分阶段对学生进行教学效果反馈测评,用SPSS16.0软件检测统计。结果:学习策略前后水平分析(P<0.01)。 结论:在妇产科临床教学中,实施以问题为基础的交互式教学法可有效提升学生的学习能力和分析、解决问题的能力,值得广泛推荐使用。  【关键词】以问题为基础交互式
【摘 要】新时期下,园林植物栽培养护课要紧跟时代发展,对中职学校教学方式以及手段进行创新与改革,发挥实践教学基地的作用,加大实践教学的比重,在教学中应用现代化信息技术辅助教学,进而提高教学的效率和质量。中职学校的教学目的在于提高学生的专业技能与素养,鉴于此,本文主要针对园林植物栽培养护课程创新教学进行分析和探究,希望给予我国中职教育行业以参考和借鑒。  【关键词】园林植物栽培养护课;创新教学;探究
【摘 要】高中英语教学应充分体现语言的交际性本质,针对当前高中英语交际教学中存在的问题,要采取科学定位师生交际课堂角色、灵活设计交际教学实际、正确处理几个敏感问题等策略,来有效实施交际教学。  【关键词】交际教学法;高中英语教学;策略  交际教学法作为一种方法论,既具有鲜明的时代特点和先进性,在实际运用中也存在着一些误区和问题。本文从辨析交际教学法的概念和交际教学法在高中英语教学中的运用现状入手,
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