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马哈茂德二世把隶属于奥斯曼帝国宫廷的行政机构改成类似于西欧的政府部门。内政部、外交部、财政部、农业部、外贸部、公共工程委员会等取代了原先的各衙门,还成立了军事委员会、最高司法委员会等机构。在改组政府机构的同时,还改善文官的待遇,提高薪俸。但是,帝国的根本制度并未触动,“素丹制—哈里发制”不变,即政教合一的国体不变;管理少数民族和少数教派的“米勒特”制不变;特权和等级制度不变。马哈茂德二世加强对地方的控制,更注重行省和属地的忠诚;新军队的“新”不仅是装备现代化,关键是完全效命和服从于素丹。马哈茂德二世的政治变革未能挽救危局,并不是由于宗教阶层和旧势力的抵制,而是因为建立新机构仅仅形成表面上的新气象,实质是用新机构来维持旧制度。马哈茂德二世的经济改革效果明显,恰恰是因为废除了“蒂玛”制度,取消了包税制,改变了土地制度。 Mahmud II changed the administrative organ attached to the palace of the Ottoman Empire to a government department similar to Western Europe. The Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Public Works Commission, etc. replaced the original Yamen, and also set up military committees and the Supreme Judicial Council. While reorganizing government agencies, it also improves the treatment of civil servants and salaries. However, the fundamental system of the empire has not been touched. The “system of sultanates - the caliphate” remains unchanged, that is, the state with the same state of religion remains unchanged; the “Millet” system of administering minorities and minorities remains unchanged; Privilege and hierarchy remain unchanged. Mahmoud II strengthened local control and paid more attention to provincial and territorial loyalty. The “new” of the new army is not only the modernization of the equipment, but the key is the complete life and obedience to Su Dan. The failure of Mahmoud II’s political reforms to rescue the crisis was not caused by the boycott of religious groups and the old forces but by the fact that the establishment of a new institution only formed a seemingly new atmosphere and the essence was to use the new institutions to maintain the old system. Mahmoud II’s economic reform effect is obvious, precisely because the abolition of the “Tima” system, the abolition of the tax package, changing the land system.