进一步解放思想 深化医院改革——顾英奇副部长在《全国医院分级管理研讨会》上的讲话要点

来源 :中国卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jialin131466
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一、加大力度,把医院的改革促上去十多年来,我们出台了一些改革的政策措施:部分医院实行了院长负责制,一定程度上增强了自主管理权,各级医院普遍实行了目标管理责任制,强化了责、权、利三者相结合的意识,并得到了一定的落实;在打破平均主义、大锅饭、贯彻按劳分配原则方面做了很大努力;挖掘内部潜力,开展业余、兼职服务和专家门诊等项目;调整了部分医疗收费标准,新技术、新设备按成本收费;发展横向联合,鼓励多渠道举办医疗事业,增设了医疗服务网点,扩大了服务能力等等。 First, to intensify efforts to promote the reform of hospitals for more than a decade, we introduced a number of reforms and policies and measures: Some hospitals have implemented the president responsibility system, to a certain extent, strengthen the right to self-management, hospitals at all levels generally implemented The target management responsibility system has strengthened the awareness of the combination of responsibility, power, and interest, and has achieved certain implementation. It has made great efforts in breaking the egalitarianism, pan-cooking, and implementing the principle of distribution according to labor; tapping internal potential and developing Amateurs, part-time services and expert outpatient services, etc.; adjusted some medical fees, new technologies, and new equipment were charged at a cost; development of horizontal alliances, encouraging multi-channels to organize medical services, adding medical service outlets, and expanding service capabilities.
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心脉康200、400mg/Kg ig小鼠,一日一次,连续7天,能明显延长小鼠耐缺氧时间,显著提高地尔硫(艹卓)引起小鼠缓慢型心律失常的心率,同时能明显降低死亡率。心脉康400、800mg/Kg
本文的主要目的是对参与试验的列宁格勒,克麦罗沃和古比雪夫三个地区各个医院和门诊部的一些活动指标进行定量分析。 The main purpose of this paper is to quantitatively
在尚无公认的译名之前,Hosplce(H)可考虑译为养护之家,Hosplce care(HC)则为养护之家护理。下面将HC现状予以扼要综述。早在1967年英国Saunders首先创立为晚期癌症患者服务