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  I was born on the island of Manhattan on York Avenue and 86th Street, and I lived in East Harlem for a few years, and then my mother and I left East Harlem and went to the Bronx—the South Bronx—and that’s where I spent my, my childhood. We didn’t have bedrooms in those days. Oh, no. We had, like, rooms, and, you know, you sort of 1)opted for a bed if you could get one.
  Sonny was my nickname because of the 2)Al Jolson’s song Sonny Boy; you know, “Climb up on my knee, sonny boy, though you’re only three, sonny boy.”
  Jolson: (sings) What you mean to me …sonny boy.
  At age three, three-and-a-half, I was doing Al Jolson, and I did it up on the roof ’cause we lived in a 3)tenement and I’d go up on the roof and the neighbors would be there, and I was always wondering what they were laughing at. You know, I thought, “I’m singing Al Jolson and they seem to enjoy it.” Because they’re laughing, and I thought, “But this really isn’t funny, you know.” I mean I was really 4)puttin’ it out.
  My mother worked and she’d come back home, and to have a little 5)recreation, she’d go to a movie, so she would take me to the movie with her. I was about 12 and I was “in a show” and they came to me and said, “You’re gonna be the next 6)Brando, kid.” And I said, “Hey, Brando? Who’s he?”
  My recollection of Brando for the first time was in 7)On the Waterfront, when I was a teenager. I remember seeing it and thinking to myself, I’ve never experienced anything like this; I’ve never felt this way.
  I’ve found, in the theater, this place that I could go to in terms of the literature and the great plays. I felt a certain peace. I’ve never felt it since.And I always felt, oddly enough, that it was 8)nipped in the bud by success.


  乔森:(唱歌) “你对我是何等重要,宝贝桑尼。”
  This is a kind of a contradiction in a way, because at the same time you’re a character actor you’re also yourself. You try to stay away from 9)caricature and that’s the difference. So you’re a character, but it’s you. It’s the 10)appetite you have to do those things; the appetite to play this character or not. And you’re not really picking it because it’s different than something else you did, but because it …it allows you this connection.

  And I wanna thank God for giving me whatever faith I have had in my life to endure whatever it is we endure and to get this kind of luck and all these people talking about me. I am so overwhelmed and grateful to this group and the AFI, and these wonderful things that are going on inside me, which I’m trying to get out. But I need a character (laughing). I wish I could say something else, and it’ll come to me, guaranteed, it’ll come to me tonight, later. But for now, I love you all right now; it’s what I’m feeling. I feel the love in this room; I feel the love in me. I thank you. I love you. Thank you.

   1) Godfather 《教父》(1972)
   3) Dog Day Afternoon 《热天午后》(1975)
   5) Sea of Love 《爱之海》(1989)
   7) Carlito’s Way《情枭的黎明》(1993)
   9) Donnie Brasco 《忠奸人》(1997)
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