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随着工农业生产的发展,农业生产过程中的麦杆、棉杆,稻草等在工业上大量被用作造纸、纤维板等工业的原料,使得以柴草为主要燃料的农村生活燃料越来越少,在一些柴草缺乏地区就更是如此。在这种情况下,沼气开始受到重视。沼气的使用逐步得到推广和普及。目前,在我国广大农村,尤其在南方,柴草及能源短缺地区,沼气越来越广泛的应用在农民的照明、煮饭、取暖等日常生活之中。在很大程度上缓解了农村的生活燃料之需求矛盾。不少省市、自治区还成立了沼气使用推广办公室或领导小组。随着使用沼气的范围和人数的不断增多,沼气中毒的事故也时有发生。那么,沼气中毒后如何处理?沼气中毒又怎样预防呢? 要想解决怎样预防沼气中毒?中毒后如何处理这两个问题,首先要搞清楚沼气为什么会引起中毒?中毒的机理是什么? 我们知道,沼气的产生是用人畜粪便、垃圾或杂草等有机物放在密闭的发酵池内,加入污泥、污水,利用厌氧菌(主要是甲烷厌氧菌)对有机物的厌 With the development of industrial and agricultural production, wheat straw, cotton stalks, straw and so on in the agricultural production process are widely used as raw materials for industries such as paper making and fibreboard in the industrial production, which makes less and less fuel for living in the rural areas with firewood as the main fuel, This is even more true in some areas where firewood is scarce. In this case, biogas began to receive the attention. The use of biogas has gradually been popularized and popularized. At present, biogas is widely used in peasants’ lighting, cooking, heating and other daily life in vast rural areas of our country, especially in the south, firewood and energy-scarce areas. To a large extent, alleviate the contradiction between the needs of rural life fuel. Many provinces, autonomous regions also set up biogas use promotion office or leading group. Biogas accidents also occur from time to time as the scope and number of biogas used continue to increase. So, how to deal with biogas poisoning? How to prevent methane poisoning? To solve how to prevent biogas poisoning? How to deal with these two problems after poisoning, we must first find out why biogas poisoning? What is the mechanism of poisoning? We know , Biogas generated by the use of manure, garbage or weeds and other organic matter in a sealed fermentation tank, adding sludge, sewage, the use of anaerobic bacteria (mainly methane anaerobic bacteria) on the organic tired
患儿女,7岁。以全身渐进性消瘦、关节僵硬5年,咳嗽、气急7d于2 0 0 2年11月11日入院。患儿2岁时渐出现全身乏力、消瘦,脊柱侧弯,肌肉进行性萎缩、关节僵硬,活动受限,以致不能
目的 :观察经鼻内窥镜手术的疗效。方法 :总结 1998年至 1999年 80例经鼻内窥镜手术病人 ,其中 :慢性副鼻窦炎Ⅰ型Ⅰ期 11例 ,Ⅰ型Ⅱ期 2 5例 ;Ⅱ型Ⅱ期 3 7例 ,Ⅱ型Ⅲ期 2例