
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yec
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近年来广东涉车治安基本状况涉车犯罪形势严重涉车犯罪,是指以机动车辆为目标或工具,侵害国家、集体利益和社会秩序,侵害他人生命财产安全的违法犯罪活动,以及法规明令禁止的行为。涉车犯罪主要表现在以机动车为侵害目标和以机动车为作案工具两个方面。目前广东的刑事案件大约有80%涉及机动车,以机动车为作案工具已经成为刑事犯罪活动的基本行为方式,而犯罪分子作案使用的机动车绝大多数是“黑车”。目前涉车犯罪中影响最为突出的是,盗窃随处停放的机动车、杀人 In recent years, the basic situation of law and order involving vehicles involved in the car involved in the crime of serious crime involving vehicles refers to the motor vehicles as a target or tool, against the state, collective interests and social order, infringing the lives and property of others illegal and criminal activities, and laws prohibit the behavior of. Car involved in crime mainly in the motor vehicle as the target of infringement and motor vehicles as tools of crime in two aspects. At present, about 80% of criminal cases in Guangdong involve motor vehicles. Using motor vehicles as tools of committing crimes has become the basic behavior of criminal activities. The vast majority of motor vehicles used by criminals for committing crimes are “black cars.” Currently the most serious impact on the car involved in the crime is the theft of motor vehicles parked everywhere killing
Connect Monitor上网计费的小工具人人皆知,上网要花许多钱。作为亚洲最坚强的一种贷币,它是怎么从我们的手指缝中溜走的,大家一定不会无动于衷。我是最近才想起来算计一下
Cisco Systems公司正以两种可提供千兆位以太网上行链接功能的新型交换机来大力促销其Catalyst第2层产品线。新的Catalyst 4003型基于底板的模块化交换机和Catalyst 2948g型
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
肝脏局灶性结节性增生(Focal Nod-ular Hyper plasia,简称 FNH)是肝脏少见的良性占位性病变。到目前为止,国内见诸报告的不多,在国外,七十年代以后对本 Focal Nodular Hype
摘要:电力是不可缺少的重要公用事业,它联系千家万户,关系到国家发展和国民生计;电力产业是国民经济的基础,电力工业的健康持续发展是推动国民经济发展的基本保证。随着社会的不断发展,电力企业的不断改革,电力由紧缺转变为过剩,电力企业也面临着越来越激烈的市场竞争。电力企业能否在激烈的市场竞争中占领一定优势,其服务质量和水平起着很大的影响作用。  关键词:电力企业;优质服务;电力营销;市场竞争  作者简介:
资料和方法 1.药液配制取医用明矾10g,加蒸馏水500ml,即为2%的无色透明液体,高压消毒后服用。 2.病例选择本组23例均系肝硬化患者,经内镜确诊有食管静脉曲张破裂出血,以呕血