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脑成像研究显示,人的心理过程和认知行为是复杂多样的.认知功能定位并不局限于某一特定脑区,而是与脑功能网络密切关联.近些年,基于图论的分析方法推动了对脑功能网络的认识.功能磁共振最新研究发现,脑功能网络具有较大的个体差异性;它主要表现在不同功能网络分布空间和连接程度上的差异.因此,在个体水平上进行功能网络的分割和定位十分必要.相对于任务态,静息态功能磁共振具有实施方便、结果稳定性高等优点,是比较常见的功能网络的构建基础.本文着重介绍了不同的基于静息态数据进行的功能网络分割方法,主要包括聚类分析方法以及独立成分分析方法.在此基础上,又进一步阐释了个体功能网络分割方法以及研究进展.随后,从进化论的角度,本文认为脑功能网络在个体间存在差异的原因主要是由于人脑不同区域演变的不同程度以及高级认知需要导致的.最后,介绍了利用个体间脑功能网络差异的临床应用,以及对未来认知神经研究的展望. Brain imaging studies show that people’s mental processes and cognitive behavior are complex and diverse.Cognitive positioning is not limited to a particular brain area, but is closely related to brain function network.In recent years, based on the analysis of graph theory Method to promote understanding of the brain function of the network.FM latest study found that brain function has a larger network of individual differences; it is mainly manifested in the distribution of different functional networks and the degree of connectivity differences.Therefore, at the individual level It is necessary to carry on the segmentation and localization of the functional network.Compared with the task state, the resting state functional magnetic resonance has the advantages of convenient implementation and high stability of results, and is the basis of building a more common functional network.This article mainly introduces different resting- State data, mainly includes clustering analysis method and independent component analysis method.On the basis of this, we further explain the individual functional network segmentation method and research progress.Furthermore, from the perspective of evolution theory, this paper argues that brain function The main reason for the difference in the network between individuals is due to the different degrees of evolution of different regions of the human brain and the high level of cognition To lead Finally, it introduces the clinical application using the network function of the difference between individual brain, nerve and vision for the future study of cognition.
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