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李婶是村里乃至整个大队里赫赫有名的女人。她的出名是她的那张厚颜无耻的嘴脸和总想觊觎他人财物的贪婪之心,以及特爱窜东家走西户的双脚!每次村里哪家有事:无论是喜还是丧,她都会假借殷勤去帮忙,帮忙时总要带着活泼可爱的四岁小孙子,势必在开席之前必到无疑。去之前,总让自己和孙子的肚子饿得直放空炮,炮声连连。等两人饥辘之肠装得满满当当,李婶开始搀着孙子往家赶,临走前,孙子总是左手拿着,右手握着,嘴 Auntie Lee is a well-known woman in the village and the entire brigade. She is famous for her cheeky face and always want to hide the greedy heart of other people’s property, and special love channeling the East go West feet! Every time the village something: whether hi or funeral, she will borrow Attentively to help, always with a lively and lovely young grandson, is bound to come to no doubt before the opening. Before going, always let myself and grandchildren hungry straight cannon, gunpowder again and again. When the two hungry intestine packed full, Lee Aunt began to help the grandson to catch the family, before leaving, the grandson is always holding the left hand, the right hand holding the mouth
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在整个世界,除了水,我最喜欢的就是森林。  森林多么好。森林有花有草,森林有云有雾,森林有风有雨,森林有泉有湖……  森林有诗。  花与树的缠绵,云与雾的交融,风与雨的相伴,泉与湖的交响,无处不是诗的流淌。云聚云散是诗,花谢花开是诗,莺飞草长是诗,月圆月缺是诗。森林是诗的宠儿。  走向森林,常常是我的梦想,我的渴望。  在森林任何一个无人知晓的角落,都会有风吹落潮湿的种子。季节更替,在森林到处荡漾
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