浙江省黄岩市焦坑镇仙浦喻村喻克悌自1958年担任乡村医生以来,已有三十八个年头了,他多年如一日,默默地把无私的爱奉献给了家乡的人民群众,动人事迹广为流传。 虽然他身患溃疡病、糖尿病、神经衰弱等多种疾病,血色素降至七克以下,但他对病人的诊疗却没有间断。在无法起床的出血期,他就躺在床上为病人看病,有一次,他自己输着液还为病人针灸,由于翻身用力过度导致溃疡病出血加重,出现了失血性休克,他来不及为病人拔针就昏了过去,经黄岩市第一人民医院医护人员全力抢救后脱险。又有一次,村民周星华肩背部被人砍伤,流血不止,面对这一严重伤情,喻医生置自己溃疡病出血的病体而不顾,挣扎起床背靠墙壁,用乏力颤抖的双手为病人清创缝合。
Jiao Pu Town, Huangyan City, Zhejiang Province Xianpu Yucun Yucun since 1958 as a village doctor, has been 38 years, and he for many years as one day, quietly devoted selfless love to the people of his hometown, moving deeds Widespread. Although he suffered from various diseases such as ulcer disease, diabetes and neurasthenia, the hemoglobin dropped below seven grams, but he did not interrupt the patient’s treatment. In unable to get up during the bleeding, he lay in bed for the patient to see a doctor, once his own infusion of liquid for the patient acupuncture, due to excessive turning over resulting in ulcer bleeding increased, hemorrhagic shock occurred, he too late for the patient Needle fainted, the First People’s Hospital of Huangyan City, medical staff full rescue after the escape. Another time, the villagers Zhou Xinghua shoulder was chopped, bleeding more than face the serious injury, Dr. Yu put his own ulcer disease and regardless of the body, struggling to get up against the wall, with hands shaking weak for patients with clear Create a suture.