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目的:用骨组织形态计量学探讨仙珍骨宝对激素所致大鼠骨质疏松的影响。方法:24只3月龄雄性SD大鼠,随机分为三组,每组8只。对照组喂生理盐水2mL/kg;激素组喂醋酸泼尼松(4.5mg/kg)2次/周;预防组除以激素组同法喂泼尼松外,每天还喂中药仙珍骨宝(蛇床子、淫羊藿等)水提液2mL/kg。处死大鼠前第10天和第2天,分别给其皮下注射四环素(25mg/kg)和Cal-ciein(5mg/kg),以便能在骨表面形成双层荧光,表明了分两次注射标记物期间骨形成的情况。3个月后,取下三组大鼠的胫骨上段用甲基丙烯酸甲酯包埋不脱钙骨,包埋块干后用低速锯锯成300μ骨片,经磨成20μ的薄片用图象分析仪进行计量学测算和分析。结果:激素组与对照组比较,动态参数中荧光标记周长和类骨质周长百分数分别减少了56%(P<0.05)和41%(P<0.05),矿化延迟时间增加了63%(P<0.05),使骨形成减少;同时,骨吸收周长百分数增加了265%(P<0.05),提示骨吸收增加。从而出现静态参数中骨小梁面积和数量分别减少38%(P<0.05)和37%(P<0.05),导致了骨质疏松的产生。预防组与激素组相比,动态参数的荧光标记周长明? Objective: To investigate the effect of Xian Zhen Gubao on osteoporosis induced by hormones in rats with bone histomorphometry. Methods: Twenty-four three-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups of 8 rats each. The control group received saline 2 mL/kg; the hormone group received prednisone acetate (4.5 mg/kg) 2 times per week; the prevention group received hormones same as the method of feeding prednisone, and it also fed the Chinese medicine Xian Zhen Biaobao every day. (Cnidium, Epimedium, etc.) Water extract 2mL/kg. On the 10th and 2nd day before the rats were sacrificed, subcutaneous injections of tetracycline (25 mg/kg) and Cal-ciein (5 mg/kg) were given subcutaneously so that double-layer fluorescence could be formed on the bone surface, indicating that the two injections were labeled During the formation of bones. After 3 months, remove the decalcified bone from the upper iliac segment of the three groups of rats with methyl methacrylate. After embedding the block, dry and cut the 300 μm bone plate with a low-speed saw to obtain a 20 μm slice. The analyzer performs metrological calculation and analysis. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, the percentage of fluorescent marker perimeter and bone-like perimeter in the dynamic parameters of the hormone group decreased by 56% (P<0.05) and 41% (P<0.05), respectively, and mineralization delay time. An increase of 63% (P<0.05) resulted in a decrease in bone formation; at the same time, the percentage of bone resorption perimeter increased by 265% (P<0.05), suggesting an increase in bone resorption. As a result, the area and number of trabecular bone in static parameters decreased by 38% (P<0.05) and 37% (P<0.05), respectively, resulting in osteoporosis. Compared with the hormone group, the fluorescence markers of the dynamic parameters in the prophylaxis group are significantly shorter?
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