
来源 :中国金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sishenzhichi
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2010年中国人民银行和银监会联合下发了《关于鼓励县域法人金融机构将新增存款一定比例用于当地贷款的考核办法(试行)》,以增加县域信贷资金投入,促进县域经济发展。办法实施一年多来,大兴安岭地区3家县域法人金融机构的存款虽然保持了快速增长态势,但新增贷款的增速均低于新增存款的增速,均没有达到考核标准。以2011年为例,大兴安岭地区3家农村信用联社塔河、呼玛、漠河新增存款分别为10532万元、8741万元、9035万元,新增可贷资金分别为6181万元、5172万元、5149万元;新增存款用于当地贷款分别为2218万元、2014万元、-296万元,新增当地贷款占年度新增可贷资金的比例为36%、39%、-6%,均没有达到新增当地贷款占年度新增可贷资金比例70%的标准。 In 2010, the People’s Bank of China and the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued the “Measures on Encouraging County-level Financial Institutions to Apply a Certain Percentage of New Deposits to Local Loans (Trial)” to increase investment in county credit funds and promote the development of county economy. Although the deposits of the three financial institutions in the Daxinganling County maintained a rapid growth over the past year or more, the growth of new loans was lower than that of new deposits, neither of which met the assessment standards. Taking 2011 as an example, the new deposits of Tahe, Huma and Mohe in the three rural credit cooperatives in Daxinganling were 105.32 million yuan, 87.41 million yuan and 90.35 million yuan respectively, with the newly increased loanable funds of 61.81 million yuan and 5172 yuan respectively RMB50.19 million and RMB50.49 million respectively. The new loans for local loans were RMB22.18 million, RMB20.4 million and RMB -2.96 million respectively. The proportion of newly-added local loans to newly-added loanable funds in the year was 36% and 39% respectively, 6% respectively, failing to reach the standard of adding 70% of the newly-added loan amount to the local newly-added local loans.
Resource aIIocation for an equipment deveIopment task is a compIex process owing to the inherent characteristics, such as Iarge amounts of input resources, nume
凤凰卫视开播至今以其广泛的普及率和收视率引起了社会的广泛关注。其取得的业绩与凤凰卫视的企业精神,即“凤凰精神”密切相关,为当今的媒体行业提供了一个鲜活的标本。 Si