
来源 :中州煤炭 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:worldfly
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1987年7、8月份,笔者先后到晋中地区的寿阳县、太原地区的清徐县进行调查,又在山西省地方煤炭工业总工程师会议上获悉到一些情况,现综述如下: 山西地方煤矿包括全民所有的地方统配七个矿务局、矿(简称地方统配七局矿),县营以上地方煤矿和集体所有矿以及少数个体煤矿。 党的十一届三中全会以来,山西地方煤炭工业原煤产量持续增长,由1980年的5964万吨上升到1986年的13913万吨,7年时间净增原煤7949万吨,平均每年增产1136万吨。商品煤调出量逐年增加,“六五”期间,全省地方非统配煤矿共调出煤炭24500万吨,其中铁路运出19059万吨,公路运出5459万吨;1986年又通过铁路外运6327万吨,公路外运2311万吨,支援了其他省、市的经济建设,增加了山西的财政收入,为全国煤炭供求关系的缓和做出了贡献。“六五”时期加上1986年,全省地方国营煤矿共投产改扩建矿井112对,新增生产能力1197万吨。安全生产情况逐年好转,1986年百万吨死亡人数地方统配局矿为2.9人,县以上地方煤矿为3.75人,乡镇煤矿为5.36人。文明生矿井 In July and August of 1987, I went to Shouyang County in Jinzhong area and Qingxu County in Taiyuan area for investigation, and learned some situations at the meeting of Chief Engineer of Local Coal Industry in Shanxi Province, and summarized as follows: Shanxi local coal mine Including all the people’s places unified with seven mining bureau, mine (referred to as the local government with seven Bureau mines), above the county camp and local collective mines and a few individual mines. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the output of raw coal in Shanxi’s local coal industry has continued to grow, from 59.64 million tons in 1980 to 139.13 million tons in 1986, with a net increase of 79.99 million tons of raw coal in seven years, an average annual increase of 11.36 million tons Ton. During the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” period, the coal mines in the non-state-owned coal mines in the province have transferred 245 million tons of coal, of which 190.59 million tons have been transported by railways and 54.59 million tons have been transported by roads; in 1986, they passed the railway Transported 63.27 million tons of coal and carried 23.11 million tons of road transport, supporting the economic construction of other provinces and municipalities and increasing the financial revenue of Shanxi Province, thus contributing to the relaxation of the coal supply and demand in the country. During the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” period, coupled with 1986, a total of 112 mines were expanded and rebuilt by local state-owned mines in the province, adding a new production capacity of 11.97 million tons. The situation of safety in production has improved year by year. In 1986, the number of deaths per million tons of coal was 2.9 at the local government, 3.75 at provincial level and 5.36 at township coal mines. Civilized Health and Mine
一、引言rn根据任务型教学(Task-based Learning,简称TBL)理论,普拉布(Prabhu)设计了(Communicational Teaching Project,1992:21,简称CTP),他认为,外语教学应该是“通过交际
记者在做时政新闻报道时,总觉得它比不上社会新闻那么生动,那么具有可读性。如何使时政报道也吸引读者呢? 时政报道的新闻来源主要是政府的有关部门,一般都有比较详尽的材料。因
】对栽培稻02428与原产于乌干达的紧穗野生稻的BC2F1和BC1F2世代植株进行了细胞学研究,分离出单体异源附加系155份和易位系184份;抗褐飞虱特性鉴定表明,28个单体异源附加系和48个易位系表现抗虫。 】 Cyt