Modeling natural convection heat transfer from perforated plates

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimmyreagan
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Staggered pattern perforations are introduced to isolated isothermal plates,vertical parallel isothermal plates,and vertical rectangular isothermal fins under natural convection conditions.The performance of perforations was evaluated theoretically based on existing correlations by considering effects of ratios of open area,inclined angles,and other geometric parameters.It was found that staggered pattern perforations can increase the total heat transfer rate for isolated isothermal plates and vertical parallel plates,with low ratios of plate height to wall-to-wall spacing(H/s),by a factor of 1.07 to 1.21,while only by a factor of 1.03 to 1.07 for vertical rectangular isothermal fins,and the magnitude of enhancement is proportional to the ratio of open area.However,staggered pattern perforations are detrimental to heat transfer enhancement of vertical parallel plates with large H/s ratios. Staggered pattern perforations are introduced to isolated isothermal plates, vertical parallel is isothermal plates, and vertical rectangular isothermal fins under natural convection conditions. Performance perforations was derived theoretically based on existing correlations by considering effects of ratios of open area, inclined angles, and other geometric parameters. It was found that staggered pattern perforations can increase the total heat transfer rate for isolated isothermal plates and vertical parallel plates, with low ratios of plate height to wall-to-wall spacing (H / s), by a factor of 1.07 to 1.21, while only by a factor of 1.03 to 1.07 for vertical rectangular isothermal fins, and the magnitude of enhancement is proportional to the ratio of open area.However, staggered pattern perforations are detrimental to heat transfer enhancement of vertical parallel plates with large H / s ratios.
摘 要:我国学生英语学习中普遍存在着汉语负迁移严重的现象,语法、词汇及表达处处留有汉语干扰的痕迹,这严重妨碍了学生英语交际能力的提高,其根源在于学生的语言输入不足。本文试从语言输入论的角度,探讨背诵输入在英语学习中的实际意义,和教学中背诵的实施办法,阐述背诵输入在当前英语教学中应有的地位。  关键词:英语学习 背诵输入 语言输入论    背诵是学习任何一种语言的重要手段,背诵在中国旧式学塾中更是唯
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