试点开新花 改革结硕果——谈山西省地震局的改革

来源 :山西地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jamesshen
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一、回顾与认识 1983年5月局新班子组成后就致力于贯彻十一届三中全会以来的路线、方针、政策。为实现十二大提出的党的工作重心的转移,为开创我省地震工作的新局面,在充分听取广大群众意见的基础上提出了十条设想;确定了全省地震工作以监测为基础,为四化建设服务的目标和任务,明确了观测是监测预报的基础,机关必须面向基层、面向台站的指导思想。在此基础上着手进行监测预报体制的调整和台站的整顿,迈出了改革的第一步。 1984年在为提高台站观测质量、提高工作效率而进行的定编改革中,遇到了旧制度的抵触,局党组组织有关部门学习了 I. Reviewing and Understanding the Route, Policies and Policies Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was formed in May 1983 following the formation of the new team. In order to realize the transfer of the Party’s center of gravity proposed by the 12th CPC National Congress and to create a new situation in the earthquake work in our province, we put forward ten hypotheses on the basis of fully listening to the opinions of the broad masses. We have determined that the seismic work in the province should be based on monitoring and The goal and mission of the four modernizations construction services are to make clear that observation is the basis of monitoring and forecasting, and that the authority must face the guiding ideology of the grassroots-oriented stations. On this basis, we started the adjustment of the monitoring and forecasting system and the rectification of the station and took the first step of reform. In 1984, in order to improve the quality of station observation and improve efficiency, the reform of the old system encountered the contradiction of the old system.
Geomorphological map of the Val Miller and the Baitone area(Adamello Group).Magmatic intru-sive rocks(Western Adamello Tonalite,diorite and gabrodiorite,with r
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改革是当前我国形势发展的迫切需要。在地质工作改革中,探矿工程体制如何改革,是值得大家认真探索研究的问题。探矿工程是一门应用技术,是地质矿产普查与勘 Reform is an urgen