
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youluxihua
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武装斗争贯穿着太平天国之始终。在和国内外敌人进行血与火的生死搏斗中,他们从无到有,从大到小,从弱到强,不断提高太平军的军事素质,十分重视武器装备的改进和各军兵种的设置,较大量地使用热兵器以及新式火器,并自己修造新式武器,这就使他们开始了热、冷兵器以及新、旧火器更替或演进的过程,而向兵器近代化迈出可喜的一步,也就使他们逐步发展壮大成为了一支能与武器装备精良的中外反革命军队相匹敌的强大军队。尽管他们最终未能战胜中外反革命军队而失败了,但究其失败原因,却不在于兵器近代化方面的问题上,倒反在于革命化方面的问题上。本文拟在现在所能搜集到的资料之基础上,仅对太平军兵器近代化的进程,作一简略的探索,以求得大家的指教。 The armed struggle runs through the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. In the battle of life and death with blood and fire both at home and abroad, they tried their best to improve the military capability of the Taiping army from scratch, from small to small, from weak to strong, attached great importance to the improvement of the weapons and equipment and the establishment of various branches of the armed forces , The greater use of hot weapons and new firearms, and the construction of new ones by themselves, led them to embark on a process of hot and cold weapons and the replacement or evolution of new and old firearms, a welcome step toward the modernization of their weapons. So that they will gradually develop and grow into a powerful army capable of rivaling the well-equipped Chinese and foreign counterrevolutionary forces. Although they failed to defeat Chinese and foreign counterrevolutionary forces in the end, the reason for their failure was not the issue of the modernization of weapons, but rather the issue of revolution. Based on the information that we can gather now, this article only makes a brief exploration of the process of modernizing the weapons of the Taiping forces so as to seek our advice.
夜,孤独症患者  这个夜,我失去灵感的刀片。失去  窒息的龙血铁。那株猩红的野蔷薇,穿透  夜的城墙,爬上枝头。赖以生存的空气瓦解我  热腾腾的液体,汗,涂成猩红色  一个孤独症患者将失去最后的朋友  坚韧的手,弯曲的指甲,修长的指尖:  那些一样的病人  保罗波茨唱着卡鲁索,卡鲁索唱着自己  他们都是孤独症病人:我们是同伙  他从今夜走入明夜,我相反,我走回  昨天。翻阅我的纪念牌,我的日记本 
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