Far-field outdoor experimental demonstration of down-looking synthetic aperture ladar

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangbanban
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A specific system structure of down-looking synthetic aperture imaging ladar(SAIL) is given, and a far-field experiment over 6 km of down-looking SAIL under this system design is carried out. The down-looking SAIL can overcome the influence of atmospheric turbulence to a great extent. By applying this system design, it also has advantages in self-compensating phase modulation. A fine image is obtained after aligning in the orthogonal direction and phase error compensation in the travel direction based on a dominant scatterer. The achieved imaging resolutions in the two dimensions are both better than 5 cm. A specific system structure of down-looking synthetic aperture imaging ladar (SAIL) is given, and a far-field experiment over 6 km of down-looking SAIL under this system design is carried out. atmospheric turbulence to a great extent. By applying this system design, it also has advantages in self-compensating phase modulation. A fine image is obtained after aligning in the orthogonal direction and phase error compensation in the travel direction based on a dominant scatterer. achieved imaging resolutions in the two dimensions are both better than 5 cm.
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应用 P~(32)示踪原子标记的施肥试验表明,杂交高粱苗期吸收的肥量占总吸肥量的21.1%,拔节期到挑旗占71.6%,开花灌浆占7.3%。可见拔节到挑旗阶段是杂交高粱吸肥的高峰期。从
杂交高粱产量高,增产潜力大,抗逆力强,适应性较广,对增加粮食产量起了很大的作用。但是,近几年杂交种出现了高矮不齐的现象,特别是杂交种中的矮杂株(不育系或保持 High yie