
来源 :临床口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiuxiumumu
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病例一,薛××、男、31岁、已婚,汽车司机,住院号437004。患者自1986年11月起左侧下后牙阵发性疼痛,时轻时重。约二周后出现左下后牙自发性剧痛,左侧偏头痛和下唇麻木感就医。全身体检心肺肝脾未见异常,口内无龋坏牙,牙周情况好,对冷热刺激敏感诱发疼痛,X片无异常,拟诊牙髓炎,给予开髓治疗,牙痛症状减轻。两个月后又出现左下后牙剧痛,不能咬合,有明显叩击痛,余无异常。去净髓腔充填物疼痛仍不止,患者在另院拔除,拔牙后出血较多,继拔牙窝空虚疼痛,再次就诊,按干槽症给予对症治疗。查未稍血象正常。经过五个月,牙痛症状一直存在,左下牙槽渐肿胀膨隆,咬合无力,下唇麻木感加重,全身乏力。左下颌侧位片显示骨质密度增大,骨小梁结构紊乱,除颏孔影可见外下齿槽神经管影象消失。于1987、8、1收入院。体检全身浅表淋巴结及肝脾不肿大,右上肢有一皮下硬结 Case 1, Xue × ×, male, 31 years old, married, car driver, hospital number 437004. The patient had paroxysmal pain in the left posterior teeth from November 1986, when light and heavy. About two weeks after the onset of spontaneous pain in the lower left posterior teeth, left migraine and lower lip numbness medical treatment. Physical examination of heart and lung liver and spleen no abnormalities, no carious teeth in the mouth, good periodontal conditions, sensitive to cold and hot stimulation induced pain, X no abnormalities, diagnosis of pulpitis, given open pulp treatment, toothache symptoms reduced. Two months later, the lower left posterior teeth appeared painful, unable to bite, there was obvious percussion pain, but no abnormalities. To the net cavity filling pain is still more than, the patient was removed in another hospital, bleeding more after tooth extraction, following the extraction of empty dentition pain, treatment again, according to dry socket syndrome symptomatic treatment. Check is not a slight blood as normal. After five months, the symptoms of toothache have been, the lower left alveolar swelling swelling, bite weakness, lower lip numbness increased, malaise. The left mandibular lateral radiographs showed that the bone density increased and the structure of the trabecular bone was disordered. The image of the external inferior alveolar neural tube disappeared except the mental foramina. In 1987,8,1 income court. Physical examination of superficial lymph nodes and liver and spleen is not enlarged, right upper extremity has a subcutaneous induration
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时常怀念故乡,怀念瓜棚上面的星星月亮。  故乡家门口,有一块菜地。每年开春,一阵阵微风吹软土壤,一阵阵细雨润酥大地,父亲开始了翻土耕种。父亲脱了鞋,赤脚踩在新鲜的土壤里,脚心凉凉的、痒痒的,舒服极了。三两只麻雀,不怕人,它们翻飞着落在父亲翻过的新鲜土壤上,叽叽喳喳叫着,不时地啄着泥土,翻找着泥土里的小虫。  父亲在菜地里种茄子、种芹菜、种韭菜,还在菜地的一角,用竹竿、木棍搭了几排长长的架子,架子下