“社会科学的本土化”是 2 0世纪 80年代初期在台湾学术界兴起的一个运动 ,其基本目的是希望在人文社会科学研究中摆脱西方理论框架和研究方法的束缚 ,从而创造出更加适应本地情况和需要的理论成果。本文针对这一运动的利弊得失作出了简要的分析评论 ,以期为现今我国大陆的人文社会科学研究提供正反两方面的有益借鉴
“Localization of Social Science” is a movement that emerged in the academic community in Taiwan in the early 1980s with the basic objective of hoping to get out of the shackles of Western theoretical frameworks and research methods in the study of humanities and social sciences so as to create a system that is more adaptive to local The situation and needs of the theoretical results. This article gives a brief analysis and comment on the pros and cons of this campaign, with a view to providing positive and negative reference for the humanities and social science research in mainland China.