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三江并流风景名胜区位于云南省西北横断山脉纵谷地区,金沙江、澜沧江、怒江三条大江在云南省境内并靠奔流400多公里,最近处直线距离仅66公里,这种景象世所罕见,加之无际山野峡谷,形成地貌奇观。风景区分金沙江、澜沧江和怒江、独龙江三个片区。景区内高山雪峰横亘,梅里雪山连绵数百里,太子雪山海拔6740米,是云南第一高峰。有澜沧江石登至中排峡谷、怒江双腊瓦底蟑谷等高山峡谷相间并行的大峡谷,在澜沧江沿途有欧亚板块和印度板块碰撞的地质现象。中甸县大小雪山丫口有秀丽的林海雪原景观。该风景区藏族、纳西、傈僳等少数民族聚居地民风民俗丰富多姿。 The Three Parallel Rivers Scenic Area is located in the Rift Valley in the northwestern Yunnan Province. The three major rivers of the Jinsha River, the Lancang River and the Nujiang River run more than 400 kilometers along the Huangpu River in Yunnan Province and are only 66 kilometers away from the nearest straight line. This phenomenon is rarely seen in the world. Endless wild canyon, the formation of spectacle wonders. Scenic distinction between the Jinsha River, the Lancang River and the Nu River, Dulongjiang three area. Scenic mountain peaks across, Meili Snow Mountain rolling hundreds of miles, Prince Edward Snow Mountain 6740 meters above sea level, is the first peak in Yunnan. There Lancang Shidan to the canyon Valley, the Nujiang double-wax-bottom roach valley and other high mountains and canyons parallel to the Grand Canyon along the Lancang along the Eurasian plate and the Indian plate collision geological phenomenon. Zhongdian County, the size of the snow-capped mountains have a beautiful scenery of the forest snowfield. The scenery area Tibetan, Naxi, 傈 僳 and other ethnic minorities folk customs rich and varied.
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新疆石河子红山嘴水利发电厂共有四个梯级电站,其中处于下游的四、五级电站始建于1961年5月,投产运行己四十多年了 ,本地区风、砂及温度变化较大,夏季气温高达39℃ ,而12月份
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《水浒》这部书,主要倾向是什么?一直众说纷云。解放以来,曾被有些人吹捧为“千古不朽的农民起义的史诗”,“农民起义的教科书”等等。真是这样吗?不是! 毛主席最近指出:《