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《中华人民共和国档案法》颁布已经五年了.五年来,我区和全省各地一样,各级档案部门在党委和政府的支持下,得到法制机关配合,大力组织学习,广泛开展宣传,深入贯彻实施,其声势之大,范围之广,层次之深,可谓盛况空前.据调查,全区地、县市7个档案局与法制等部门联合召开学习、宣传《档案法》及《档案法实施办法》的动员会、报告会、宣讲会、学习班30多次,地、县市领导及法制部门负责人莅临讲话40多人次;共同组织宣讲队、调查组30多个,分别到380余个各级各类机关单位宣讲、调查;各级领导在各种 The file system of the People’s Republic of China has been promulgated for five years. In the past five years, like other parts of our province, the archives departments at all levels, with the support of the party committees and governments, have been assisted by the legal institutions to organize study and publicize extensively According to the investigation, the 7 archives bureaus in all districts, counties and cities jointly held the seminar with the legal system and other departments to promote the “Archives Law” and the "Archives Law More than 30 mobilization meetings, lectures, lectures and seminars were conducted by leaders of prefectures and cities and heads of legal departments of the prefectures and cities and more than 40 people attended the speech. More than 30 preaching teams and investigation teams were jointly organized to more than 380 A variety of agencies at all levels preach, investigation; leaders at all levels in various
湖北省宜城市地处鄂西北部,版图面积2115平方公里,辖178个行政村,总人口56.6万,是一个以农业为主、经济相对落后的县级市。 Yicheng City, Hubei Province is located in no
从本期起,“名句掇英”栏将连续刊载陶文鹏先生的《唐宋词名句赏析》,以饷读者。“今宵剩把银照,犹恐相逢是梦中。”上面这一联佳句,出自北宋词 Starting from this issue,
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一沸沸扬扬的关于批评“失语”的议论 ,眼下像是已经止息。这或许是参与议论的人们自觉“学问”已经作尽 ,或许是媒体另择了新鲜“热点”而主动撤掉了话题。反正不会是“失语
工作日历上的格子即将填完,辞旧迎新之际,对新的一年里民盟的参政议政工作不免有些粗浅的认识和设想。举世瞩目的中共十七大胜利闭幕,新世纪、 The grid on the work calend
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