Numerical simulation of neuronal spike patterns in a retinal network model

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolcool1234567
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This study utilized a neuronal compartment model and NEURON software to study the effects of external light stimulation on retinal photoreceptors and spike patterns of neurons in a retinal network.Following light stimulation of different shapes and sizes,changes in the spike features of ganglion cells indicated that different shapes of light stimulation elicited different retinal responses.By manipulating the shape of light stimulation,we investigated the effects of the large number of electrical synapses existing between retinal neurons.Model simulation and analysis suggested that interplexiform cells play an important role in visual signal information processing in the retina,and the findings indicated that our constructed retinal network model was reliable and feasible.In addition,the simulation results demonstrated that ganglion cells exhibited a variety of spike patterns under different light stimulation sizes and different stimulation shapes,which reflect the functions of the retina in signal transmission and processing. This study utilized a neuronal compartment model and NEURON software to study the effects of external light stimulation on retinal photoreceptors and spike patterns of neurons in a retinal network. Popular light stimulation of different shapes and sizes, changes in the spike features of ganglion cells indicated different shapes of light stimulation elicited different retinal responses. By manipulating the shape of light stimulation, we investigated the effects of the large number of electrical synapses existing between retinal neurons. Model simulation and analysis suggested that interplexiform cells play an important role in visual signal information processing in the retina, and the findings suggest that that constructed retinal network model was reliable and feasible.In addition, the simulation results of that ganglion cells showed a variety of spike patterns under different light stimulation sizes and different stimulation shapes, which reflect the functions of the ret ina in signal transmission and processing.
“你认真听着,我要马上告诉你一件事情,我怕我会忘记。”他说,语气里有点焦急。  “好,说吧。”她以为是什么急事,放下了手头的工作,哪怕她正忙得焦头烂额。  “我梦见你了。”他悄悄地说。电话那头声音低得让她正好听得见。  “什么?”她还是又问了一遍。  “我梦见你了。”声音非常的温柔。  她愣了一下,觉得非常幸福。  “我梦见你了,真的。”她没说话,他以为她不相信呢。  “还有其他人吗?”  “没有
沈瑞清 ,男 ,1 96 4年 6月生 ,甘肃武威市人。 1 989年毕业于西北农业大学植物保护系植物病理专业 ,获硕士学位。现任宁夏农林科学院植物保护研究所副所长、宁夏植保学会理事
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