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暮霭像一帷偌大的天幕,渐渐地从湛蓝的天空落下来。我独自漫步在胡同里,胡同的尽头有条小河,河旁有棵高大的柳树,长长的、细细的柳条,宛如微风中少女的披肩秀发,忽儿轻轻飘起,忽儿又慢慢落下。悬挂在苍穹上的一弯新月,把老柳树的影子一半印在河岸上,一半印在波光粼粼的水面上。望着轻拂水面的枝枝叶叶,五年前大伯从台湾回来的一幕幕又出现在我眼前—— Like a big canopy, it slowly falls from the blue sky. I walked alone in the alley. There was a small river at the end of the alley. There was a tall willow tree beside the river. The long, thin wicker was like a young woman’s shawl in the breeze. It fluttered slowly and slowly. Slowly falling. A crescent moon hanging from the sky, half of the old willow’s shadow is printed on the bank, and half of it is printed on the sparkling water. Looking at the branches and leaves of the water, five years ago, the scene of Dabo’s return from Taiwan appeared before me.
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