
来源 :组合机床通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjt111
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无产阶级文化大革命以前,我厂生产的组合机床大部分是由大连组合机床研究所(下称组合所)设计的,生产中一直使用组合所制订的精度标准。这个精度标准是组合所广大技术人员遵照毛主席关于重实践、重调查研究的教导,深入工厂车间进行调查研究,与工人群众相结合而制订出来的。无产阶级文化大革命以来,为了适应生产发展的需要,现在我厂生产的组合机床已全部是自己设计的。其精度标准是在组合所制订的精度标准的基础上做了某些数值上的变动,检验项目和方法并无差异。根据多年的生产实践证明,组合所制订的精度标准基本上还是切实可行的。但是这决不是说这套精度标准没有问题了。由于这套标准已经使用多年,自然会有一些跟不上生产发展的地方,因此,必须加以充实和进一步的修改。下面谈谈我们在执行这个标准过程中的一些体会。由于自己的经验不多,水平有限,难免带有片面性,不足之处希望同志们提出批评指正。 Prior to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, most of the combined machine tools manufactured by our factory were designed by the Dalian Institute of Machine Tools (hereinafter referred to as “the combination institute”), and the accuracy standards set by the combination have always been used in the production. This standard of precision is formulated by the general technical staff of the combination in conformity with Chairman Mao’s teaching on heavy practice and reinvestigation, in-depth investigation and study in the workshop and in combination with the masses of workers. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, in order to meet the needs of the development of production, now I plant the combination of machine tools have all been designed. The accuracy of the standard is based on the combination of precision standards developed by some changes in the value of the test items and methods no difference. According to many years of production practice has proved that the combination of standards set by the accuracy is still practicable. But this is by no means to say that there is no problem with this set of precision standards. Since this standard has been used for many years, there will naturally be some areas that can not keep up with the development of production and must therefore be enriched and further amended. Here to talk about some of our experience in the implementation of this standard. Due to their lack of experience and their limited level, they inevitably have one-sidedness. They hope that comrades will criticize and correct them.
膨润土、(陶土)是近几年来广泛用于潮型铸造上的一种优良粘结剂,对提高铸件质量,防止铸件夹砂以及降低铸件成本都有很大的作用。 Bentonite, (clay) is an excellent binder
分析了斜拉拱组合桥的结构受力特征以及与普通拱桥的差别。以我国正在建设的主跨为400 m的斜拉拱组合桥梁——湘江四大桥为例,利用大型有限元分析软件AN SY S,建立了斜拉拱组
Highway capacity is defined as maximum volume of traffic flow through the par-ticular highway section under given traffic conditions, road conditions and so on.